Stop Deleting Threads

Discussion in 'The Veterans' Lounge' started by Triconix, Apr 7, 2020.

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  1. Triconix Augur

    Stop deleting threads calling out cheaters. If you don't want vigilantes, how about you ban the accounts (I'm not calling them people because they aren't) and clean up the game?
    Chikkin, jiri_, Maedhros and 6 others like this.
  2. TestPlayer New Member

    That is kind of sad. That person on FV who posted all of those videos was just doing as instructed. Dreamweaver is shaping out to be worse than Roxxly, by a long shot. Gotta love the censorship on these forums.
  3. Waring_McMarrin Augur

    Who is instructing them to make posts naming the cheaters on the forums? They have posted rules that do not allow for naming people as cheaters on the forums which is why those threads get deleted.
  4. Warpeace Augur

    But deleting the threads and making them go away is SOOoooooo much easier.
  5. Kiev New Member

    If Woebot did his job, then people would not feel the need to Name & Shame maybe.
    Cheating is out of control in this game and SoE / Daybreak has always had a history of " If we bury it in the sand maybe it will go away "
  6. Warpeace Augur

    Does it really matter. They have rules about cheating also /shrug
    Behelit likes this.
  7. Nadisia Augur

  8. enclee Augur

    Shame. At least the videos are still on YouTube.
  9. TestPlayer New Member

    AFK botting is so widespread after almost 3 years without a real banwave that if DPG (DBG)((SOE))(((WTF)))? actually acted they might lose 30-50% of revenue. Look in your /who windows in every zone you go to. They are everywhere, on every server. At this point in the game, the answer you need is right in front of you. Day in, day out- they get rare items and TS mats and exp! While you sit in PoK LFG. If you aren't AFK botting, you're cheating yourself now; that's the real cheat.

    If you can't beat em, join em. Thatway, they can't sell the rares they did absolutely nothing for to acquire to you for krono they don't deserve.
    NameAlreadyInUse likes this.
  10. Behelit Augur

    sure murder and theft is wrong... but snitches get stitches so keep your mouf shut.

    not sure why or how shaming cheaters could be against any rule provided you have accompanying video evidence to make your case. its not someone just making accusations without basis/evidence to go by for sake of slander.

    edit: lol we cant type grape minus the g? how am I supposed to describe how badly we violated a certain raid/quest?!
  11. Jumbur Improved Familiar

    Think of all the "witness protection packs" they could sell on marketplace, if they allowed naming and shaming...:p
  12. Triconix Augur

    They posted rules against cheating as well. Why are there no consequences for them?

    You cannot pick and choose which rules to enforce. You need to be consistent.
    Chopin.Xegony likes this.
  13. Password1234 Augur

    What does posting someone's name on the forums accomplish, exactly?
  14. Waring_McMarrin Augur

    Your right they have, but one person violating the rules does not make it okay for someone else to violate different rules.
  15. Triconix Augur

    History says otherwise. Violating rules are definitely more than OK from a moral standpoint if it's for a just cause that would serve to benefit the community.
  16. Fredescu Augur

    I'd have sympathy for this idea if the videos showed blatant cheating and not just general isb use. I mean if you don't like that software, fine, but there are threads on this forum giving tips on how to use it that have been around for years, so calling it "cheating" is, at best, ignorant. It is clearly tolerated, however begrudgingly.

    I want some meaty videos. Some real cheating. There was a video someone made on Mangler showing toons warping to ground spawns for the vp key. My understanding is that resulted in a ban. People in other threads describe people warping across zones straight to named mobs. Give me a video of that.

    Video the warpers. Video the afk scripters. Give me a reason to cheer you on. Don't waste your forum account because you don't understand which offences are actually banned and which aren't.
  17. Triconix Augur

    If you watched the videos this morning, there was clear and evident proof it was an automated script. The characters were making the same exact movement paths Every. Single. Mob. right on the money as if they were on a preset track. They also went back and sat/rested in the same exact position/direction/loc Every. Single. Time. One of the Ogres even had the same turning speed back into position each time. You'd see 3 shifts counter-clockwise before maintaining his resting position. ISB does not do that, nor can it.
    Kiev and Nadisia like this.
  18. dreamweaver Community Manager

    The threads were removed because they repeatedly violated the rules which the players were warned against more than once. Players are more than welcome to send me things directly as stated before, but posting the same things after being kindly reminded will have the threads taken down.
    Skuz likes this.
  19. dreamweaver Community Manager

    That being said this one is locked.
  20. dreamweaver Community Manager

    No they were not, they are instructed to send them directly to me so I can investigate or to attach them to CS petitions. Posting them on the open forums is violating the naming/shaming rules as has been stated.
    Skuz, Celephane and Corwyhn Lionheart like this.
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