In all this news has everyone forgotten what today is?

Discussion in 'The Veterans' Lounge' started by svann, Mar 14, 2020.

  1. svann Augur

    Happy Pi day everyone!
    Fanra, Celephane and Elyssanda like this.
  2. Coagagin Guild house cat

    Noticed this morning but disappointed I wasn't at work, aka Geek Central, to enjoy the full experience. Lots of math and old school (CS and math) majors on my floor. Worse, hardly anyone showed for work in the first place because of the hysteria. Well, that and local schools were just closed probably had something to do with it.

    - Happy 3.14.20 Day!
  3. Nennius Curmudgeon

    I did forget. Hails wife and begins the pecan pie quest.
  4. Celephane Augur

    I saw 8" pies at the store on sale for $3.14
    svann likes this.