Fixed Lake-Effect Snow Devils - Windchill Sprites :: fixed to worse?

Discussion in 'Resolved' started by Kumudil, Mar 6, 2020.

  1. Kumudil Journeyman

    Before last "fix" the Sprites could be eventually spawned, by killing cadavers in the NW part of the zone. Now, after the last fix, the cadavers sometimes respawns at skeletons, but no Sprites can be spawned in those aerea anymore.

    In the opposite corner of the map, there are the dwarfs-caves. After lots of ours of killing mobs, there could be found a total of 1 static dwarf, who maybe once any 10 kills spawns as a Windchill Sprite.

    A full group of chars spent 4 ours keeping down some 10+ mobs in the NW part of the zone, in cluding serveral cadavers. Result: 0 Windchill Sprites. These where the exact same spot, where other guildies could do this quest, before the last "fix" was done.

    A full group of chars spent 6+ ours in the caves in the SO part of the zone. One session crawling throught the caves forht and back, whereas 1 single static once respawned as the right type of mob. Sechond session just camping the mobs around this one static, who once respawned as Windchill sprite.

    Restult so far: 3 Kills and task-updates out of 9 necessary in over 10 real time ours of gameplay.

    For me this feels like: fixed to the worse
    Glynrol, Inga, Jondalar and 4 others like this.
  2. Yinla Ye Ol' Dragon

    These are only needed for a merc task I really don't understand why they have made them so rare. You get no exp for doing the merc task other than it being part of the achievement exp and the usual kill exp of course.
  3. Aumnaydar New Member

    Is this still broke?
  4. Windance Augur

    Last weekend I helped someone complete the mission. They now spawn in the SE corner caves where the restless dwarves are at. We were in the 3rd cave to the last. We had enough DPS to clear the cave and pull 3 in the hall way leading to last room so maybe 13-14 per respawn. Of those we had maybe 0-2 repop as dervishes. Spent maybe an hour there to get all 10.
    Aumnaydar likes this.
  5. Aumnaydar New Member

    Thanks, maybe I didn't go deep enough in the caves then. Info on other sites are not very clear or correct.
  6. Jondalar Augur

    Will this ever be fixed?
  7. Yinla Ye Ol' Dragon

    Having them in the tunnels has turned this area into a death trap.
    Velisaris_MS likes this.