Selo 2.0

Discussion in 'Time Locked Progression Servers' started by nodontcarekkthxbye, Feb 18, 2020.

  1. yerm Augur

    If you are asking for a server with zero leveling because every expac just gives it to you, why would you ask for LONGER unlocks than selo already has?

    Or just play on selo and spend a half hour a day leveling and still be maxed completely way before the expac halfway point and/or you come close to accomplishing the group content goals. Hell, this expac (sof), you could only "level grind" by doing the progression content for mmm and crystallos access and probably be 80 or close to it from the couple hours invested. You could do nothing but raids for aa and have done all the essential ones by now (halfway point) if you raided a few hours a night.

    Selo is an easy server, it doesn't need even easier leveling with nothing else. I am with frank on double loot preferred to half lockouts; this would result in similar gear but less heavy raid scheduling.
  2. FranktheBank Augur

    Honestly, I cannot stress enough, if it were EVER up for a vote on this server, double loot/flags instead half lockouts would just be phenomenal. Faceless would actually have the least to gain from it imo, but it would make guilds that raid on set scheduled nights SO MUCH more viable for getting through progression.
    Iyacc and PVPme like this.
  3. Fajitas New Member

    the double loot / double flags rather than double lockout thing would have probably been the best bet, in hindsight. i'm not too sure about 2 mo xpacs. ldon / don / por were awful in just 1 month settings, upping those to two might've been catastrophic for the server. getting through the 70s in 4mo was probably a good thing, tss and beyond have been fantastic. sod / uf / hot should be just as good as sof has been, with the glut of non-raid content, and mercs coming into the picture next week. also, frank is wide.
  4. Nolrog Augur

    Your opening argument is 100% false.
  5. Thalliius Augur

    To be fair, your 16-20 hours is probably super efficient, you already have a small core group of people you regularly play with and can fill in any gaps almost immediately.. so you sign in and are immediately on the move to do some sort of objective. Not knocking it at all, im actually quite jealous, because that makes the game more enjoyable when you can quickly put together a good team to go get stuff done

    Id imagine other players who dont have twitch followers and aren't leaders of a guild, they use those 16-20 hours a lot less efficiently trying to form groups, or solo content, etc
  6. yerm Augur

    You don't need to be a guild leader or twitch streamer to make friends and be productive. You just have to make friends and be someone other people can count on.
  7. Thalliius Augur

    The class and role you play in a premade type core group makes a big difference as well
  8. HoodenShuklak Augur

    I've seen it mentioned since agnarr time, tlps need double or more loot.

    Even hardcore players were getting burned out on double lockouts but I've never seen someone burned out on too much loot.

    I definitely like the half lockouts though, keep them in. Just keep chipping away at the artificial time wasters. There's no glory left to gather in eq, so you might as well embrace the casual and give them their pixels before the grind makes them quit... again.
  9. Pappasalt Augur


    But being a twitch streamer/guild leader/multi-gaming community leader is all the same thing when it comes to gaming, it's me building a community...albeit much larger than one group but honestly it wouldn't be that hard to find a nice group of friends that share similar playtimes with similar goals really.

    That just goes back to the age ole issue most eq players have...wait in lfg for 4+hrs vs building a grp in a few minutes. Most will just sit lfg way before they ever make something.

    Best advice, join a guild (assume you're in one), find a grp of players looking for the class you play or find outliers that you can form together that share your same playtime and make your own community/group. After all it's about having fun moreso than getting things done so getting people that you enjoy the company of is really what matters imo.

    Side note: Typing comes off a bit sassy and I don't mean this post mean or anything. Also my post was more directed at the "classic - pop" crowd who claim that Selo moves too fast meanwhile playing on Mangler 12+hrs a day lol. Simple fact is most are just scared of content that they don't know and don't want to learn and would rather to stick to what they can "own" over and over again.
    Thalliius likes this.
  10. FranktheBank Augur

    At the end of the today, you can make all the excuses you want for why Selo isn't for you and that's fine. Sure, you miss a week for vacation and 'lose' 25% of the expac, does it matter? Is it really so terrible that you do not complete every quest, get every world drop, do everything in the expansion before it launches? I don't think it does. I think people TLP hop because they they that is how they are supposed to play.

    Example is in TSS, there was a fair amount of stuff to do. SotO aug, lots of augs to camp, Charm of Lore, etc. TBS by comparison had very little to do. This was a Hand aug, spectre illusion and farming orux. I spent most of TBS raid-logging and playing Destiny 2. People that had lives took it as 2 months of TSS and got to finish up Charms or aug quests. The guy who plays to much (me) was only really bored for 2 weeks then SoF was out.

    It's pointless to go back and forth;
    - "This is the reason I dont play on that server."
    - "Well, here is a counter-point to your reason."
    - "Well yeah, but still."

    If people want to keep believing they have to have 2-3 months to fully complete an expac before moving on to the next, so be it. That isn't the only way to play. There is no insurmountable amount of time for catching up. We had people take 3, 5, 7 month vacations and return and catch up in a month or less. The beauty of it is if you are gone 2-3 months, literally the entire gear has reset because scaling. You may have left in Omens when 300 HEM was god tier, now in SoF, soloable named drop 300 HEM gear, XP group named drop 500 HEM gear and the heroics dumpster anything from the level 70 eras.

    Play on Selo if you are tired of the classic -> PoP -> new TLP launch -> repeat cycle.