Selo 2.0

Discussion in 'Time Locked Progression Servers' started by nodontcarekkthxbye, Feb 18, 2020.

  1. nodontcarekkthxbye Augur

    For those who just want to raid, and see newer expansions. There are alot of people who dont play this game anymore because servers dont make it past PoP.

    Max AAs, and Max level for everyone at the beginning of each expansion. This way if people get behind they can jump right back in next expansion, and dont leave because they feel the server is moving too fast. Which brings me to next point.

    Make unlocks 1.5 to 2 months. 1 month was a bit fast, im sure some left for this reason, or never joined.
  2. Dythan Ban Lev in Plane of Fire guy

    People who want this are already on selo.
    HoodenShuklak likes this.
  3. nodontcarekkthxbye Augur

    Your post makes no sense. Might want to rethink that.
  4. nodontcarekkthxbye Augur

    This post is obviously about making a better selo that people will stay on, that holds population.
  5. Dythan Ban Lev in Plane of Fire guy

    Selo has a great population
  6. nodontcarekkthxbye Augur

  7. Pappasalt Augur

    For those who believe selo moves too fast....lmfao.

    I play at most about 16-20 hours a week, that includes two 4 hour raids per week. Most people on mangler etc double to triple that playtime and I keep up just fine.

  8. nodontcarekkthxbye Augur

    Uh huh, thats great.
  9. DeseanJackson Augur

    Hey, sorry you don’t like EQ outside raiding, but your idea is bad. Good luck in your search for a game you can win without playing.
  10. nodontcarekkthxbye Augur

  11. FranktheBank Augur

    It does not. But Hopefully mercs releasing in 2 weeks helps that.
  12. Bobbybick Only Banned Twice

    Selo has a very WIDE population, just not great.
  13. FranktheBank Augur

    I feel attacked.
  14. Hateseeker Augur

    I would like to see 6 week unlocks, begrudgingly, not to slow the time between expansions, but to make Selo 2.0 last longer overall. Apart from that, yes, provide enhanced AA grants, triple loots, open trade loot, etc.

    And, by definition, Selo 2.0 would not come out soon, it woould ideally come out somewhere in 8-12 months when Selo 1.0 loses steam as it approaches Live.
  15. FranktheBank Augur

    Honestly, I would love to keep 1 month unlocks, drop the half lockouts and instead just double the loot/flags/etc.
    Chopsuey, PVPme and Dailor like this.
  16. markkk Lorekeeper

    selo 2.0 should start in classic 1.5 months classic,1 month for each other expansion live exp live aa triple the loot but not shorter unlocks so people dont raid or play 24/7.
  17. Creedmonk Augur

    I will say that I used to think Selos was a terrible idea until I played on it... They nailed it on the exp rate. The only gripe I'd say would be 1.5months or 2 month unlocks beginning in classic would be ideal for me
    PVPme likes this.
  18. Ootax Augur

    What xpac is selos in, there still a decent population/guilds?
  19. Accipiter Old Timer

  20. nodontcarekkthxbye Augur

    Suposedly there are 3 guilds left that raid, and its in SoF.