velious infused pelt

Discussion in 'The Veterans' Lounge' started by Barbwarrior, Dec 26, 2019.

  1. Fian Augur

    Bats split into 2 vampires. They might drop pelts, but that is not the same thing as familiars. Familiars use the DoN drakeling model. Familiars do not split on death.
    Tucoh likes this.
  2. Qbert Gallifreyan

    Oops! Guess I should stop killing them all at once, got confused, thanks :)
  3. Xianzu_Monk_Tunare Augur

    The leather drops have been the hardest to get since they introduced the whole global TS drops by level thing. Nothing new here. It's where they wanted it.
  4. Natal Augur

    They are not all that rare. Drop rate is about the same as diamonds or ore, if you are killing appropriate mobs. People see it as different because there are a lot more diamond/or/etc droppers than there are pelt droppers in the commonly used areas. But the drop rate seems about the same as far as I can tell.
  5. Bigstomp Augur

    Lower than slurries and slush makes sense. Armor is not consumable.
    FawnTemplar likes this.
  6. Duder Augur

    Please do not adjust the drop rate of the pelt. This expansion is easy enough as it is. Make SOMETHING difficult to acquire. (T3 group armor and T2 raid armor)
    Deathly likes this.
  7. Lianeb Augur

    The problem with pelts is mobs that should drop them are not.
    Kodak’s in gd
    Dire wolfs in Kael do drop them but rare as all hell.
    Dogs in velks not dropping them
  8. Deathly Elder

    How do "You" determine Who should drop what in a fantasy game.... It is easy to assume what should drop from whom in a fantasy game, I will give you that.
  9. Plumbus Lorekeeper

    How much ya selling the pelts for?
  10. JeffHanson Augur

    I have looted Fine Feathers from a lot of creatures....just got one from a bear.
  11. svann Augur

    Normally people determine what things drop from what from past experience in the long history of EQ. Pelts drop from animals. And yes, even undead animals.
  12. Lianeb Augur

    Because a developer told us in beta they would drop off animals.
    And the drop off some animals in some zones but those same animals in others they do not
  13. Deathly Elder

    What zone has same animals that "should" drop them and in what zone do the not drop in? I was not aware.
  14. Deathly Elder

    Anyone know what zones have the same "animals" and one zone drops pelts, while the other doesn't?