Miragul is a resounding success!

Discussion in 'Time Locked Progression Servers' started by Montag, Dec 19, 2019.

  1. Montag Augur

    Not sure why there's like a cabal of %#$posters hating on Miragul everyday trying to turn people off on the server but don't let that scare you away. Look at their post histories they're full of negative crap and hating on everything all the time and forumquesting trying to prove every server sucks except their proposed magical non-truebox server that definitely won't be a macaroni quest hellhole this time.

    Of course Miiragul wasn't going to have the early (and short-lived) rush of Krono farmers and 1999 nostalgia tourists that every classic TLP sees but the population is comparable to that of Phinny (the only other normal TLP to make it this far before dying) and unlike Phinny we get new players every day because it's always going to be ten thousand times easier to catch up here.

    And Selo I hear is getting by but even with double exp good luck catching up there unless you promise to raid main a cleric for Faceless or Amtrak and get plvl'd. So, yeah, they're pretty much screwed for new blood just like Phinny.

    And those of us playing here daily know it's a lot easier getting a group on Miragul than phinny or in fact any other server in a modern era expac. Including live servers.

    On Miragul you can roll a toon, join a guild, do a couple/few days of flagging, farming and exp'ing and be raiding current content in under a week. And that will remain true for literally years to come, since starting at 85 means your guildies can carry you in their existing exp groups to level you with no hassle. Obviously though that couple days will turn into a week or two as level caps go up but it's a far cry from every other server where you need carried from level 1 and pretending it's just as easy to catch up from level 1 as it is starting at level 85 with 5000 AA's is just silly. Espcially for people starting with no friends or connections.

    Those that claim they tried it and couldn't get groups or a guild or whatever, well maybe they need to work on their social skills cause most of us have no problem at all and the only people you see failing are those who don't know how to conduct themselves like considerate human beings or those who make no effort to talk to people and get groups going when it's slow. Anytime I lfg and don't get an invite, I just switch to LFM'ing and within 10 mins we're killing stuff. Good luck with that on just about any other server this late into expacs.
  2. Bobbybick Only Banned Twice

  3. Silver-Crow Augur

    Aren't you just being a member of that so called 'cabal of hate' when you single out Phinny and Selos for special attention.

    I'd like to raise a point about Phinny though.

    I'm not sure why you think we don't get new blood... quite the opposite in fact, we're seeing quite a few return to Phinny, guild numbers are up, and i don't know about the other guilds, but we're seeing full raids now more often than not.

    Phinny too will be getting heroic toons in the next expansion so there goes Miragul's USP. Sure you will have to pay for them, but for me that's a good thing. Not that we really get them on Phinny, but you won't get asshats ninja looting stuff, selling it on, and when their rep is in the dumpster, just rerolling and restarting where they left off.

    i like playing within a guild structure that's been around for years, with people i know and trust. PUGS are really a construct of the early game when no-one knows anyone else. Once guilds are established, you will find on EVERY server that pugs will disappear and that nearly every group will be guild or box based. I can't say i've ever lacked for a group when i wanted one, or help when i've needed it.

    I'm happy that Miragul is doing well, and i hope that it continues that way, but it was ill thought out server ruleset to begin with, as it was released too close in era to Phinny to make it distinctive.
    Ulain likes this.
  4. Kloodge Elder

    I don't have a dog in this fight, but.... LOL.
    Lenowill likes this.
  5. Lenowill Augur

    Quoted for truth. I really appreciate how communicative and eager to play most of the server's population is. It's also nice that I can safely make some basic assumptions about people's gear and spell/AA availability.
  6. Aueman Journeyman

    Post #985 of why Miragul is so awesome. Things must be rough.
    Ulain likes this.
  7. Fizon Augur

    Oh good the daily "miragul doesn't sucks" post.

    Listen, you and the 15 other people are happy there we get it. You don't need to rotate postings every day.
    Xanathol likes this.
  8. WaitingforMoreEQ WaitingforTBC

    HoodenShuklak and Xanathol like this.
  9. Dythan Ban Lev in Plane of Fire guy

    Expansion beat yet? Or you consider success taking 6 weeks to barely grind out 5 levels?
  10. Kaosmos Lorekeeper

    I cant speak for other guilds, I know there are a few. But LOTA is doing well. We are about 1 month into Server, we entered SS on out last raid night and did 6 of the 7 events (w/o any wipes iirc). Some of us left at end of normal raid time. the rest did 1 attempt at last event then called it a night.

    We aren't racing like a lot of you do, so that may seem slow to you. We have cleared every raid in HoT each week since we started raiding, we just recently had enough keys to do a SS run(without a full raid) and it went well.

    We raid 2 nights a week on one raid force. It has a waitlist every raid night to this point. Has been focusing on HoT mainly although we have done some older content also.

    We raid 2 nights a week on a diff raid force that normally doesn't fill up but it has been working mainly on UF and is about to start convorteum.

    Does the server have the same population as a tlp in classic? No. did anyone expect it to?

    The server is in better shape than Fippy was (considered a successful server) at House of Thule timeline. Not only do we fill raids but we have a mechanism in place for getting new players to server easily caught up atm.

    Anyhow, The server is a lot of fun currently. People can make a toon lvl 85 w/max aa's toon of any class and see how it plays in modern eq w/o the having to invest a ton of time into exping just to decide they don't like it.

    We have new people joining guild everyday still, Do we get a ton that join then you never see again? Sure, same as every other new server.

    If you ever wanted to try a diff class for whatever reason pop in and make one or twelve. just have fun, the rest will take of it self.
    Lenowill and Yinla like this.
  11. Montag Augur

  12. Warlorf Augur

    Good for you? We have 1 .. that raids 5 times a week and is inclusive for anyone who isn't a vegetable with no PnP awareness
  13. HoodenShuklak Augur

    Big if true.
  14. Montag Augur

    Thats cause LOTA has 700 members and 3 raid forces spread across five different nights and has snapped up most of the serious raiders.

    Two main teams on different nights and saturday fun raids for mix from both plus split raid sometimes for thebigger team.
  15. Roxas MM Augur

    here on the phinny side all is well, thank you. Hitting over 50 bodies in raid regularly and even had to rez the dreaded sit-out channel. We had a nice influx of people the last month or 2.
    That said, Go miragul, go LotA. Enjoy your stuff.
    Yinla likes this.