Best slots for raid currency?

Discussion in 'The Veterans' Lounge' started by Vumad, Oct 16, 2019.

  1. Belkar_OotS Augur

    It depends on class and play style and how long I expect to go before I replace an item.

    This is a rough order of operations I use when outfitting a character, holding out on potentially better group gear versus old raid gear.

    Healers - shield (raid ac usually won't get beaten by group ac for like 4 expandions), boots (beneficial spell haste), breastplate (mostly for the spell focus with click being secondary), range (improved dodge), ring 1 (beneficial mana preservation), weapon (recourse proc), neck (improved heal), ring 2 (beneficial range), cloak (beneficial extension), waist (proc). After that I start going for dps focus effects (legs shoulders ear arms helm bracer) and filling in whatever gets the biggest stat boosts.

    Tanks (warrior specifically as I don't play the other 2) - Shield (ac and tank mode critical), weapons (tank 1 hander, offhand, 2 hander, alternate dps primary), breastplate (fortitude focus), waist (proc), range (dodge), neck (parry), arms (cleave), legs (fero), face (hate mod), then I chase whatever is the biggest stat upgrade, sometimes with a click preferential treatment if one has lagged behind.

    Melee/hybrid - weapons (primary form of damage, offhand or secondary weapon if procs etc are a factor ie ranger bow primary secondary, monk just goes 2hder, rogue primary then seconardy), ear (pet focus for beastlord or skip if others till later), breastplate (focus and click), arms (fero and fire), legs (cleave and detrimental haste), waist (proc), then I start going for class required focus (berserker gloves, or detrimental focus effects shoulders ears for hybrids or range/neck followed by biggest stats for melee).

    Enchanter - Chest (spell focus and click), weapon (procs), Ear (detrimental duration), shoulder (detrimental preservation), range (dodge), legs (detrimental spell haste), waist (procs), helm/bracer (magic chromatic focus), at which point I tend to go for biggest stats, with an eye to what i feel I need most (faster runes, or longer lasting NET etc).

    Mage - ear (pet focus), breastplate (spell focus mostly but click too), arms (fire), 2 hand weapon (procs), shoulder (detriment preservation), legs (detrimental spell haste), waist (proc), range (dodge), helm (magic), then at this point it becomes biggest stat upgrade with an eye to play style (pet healer?).

    Wizard - 2 hander weapon (procs), arms (fire), breastplate (focus), waist (procs), shoulder (detrimental preservation), legs (detrimental spell haste), gloves (ice), helm (magic), range (dodge), then I go for biggest stat upgrades.
  2. ptah Augur

    You cant have 1 without the other. Once you can not dead. you begin to live thru dps. Both go hand in hand. its slide scale rule.. if you can do this.. your focus is on that.. with that you cant do this. The better you do that.. better chances you will do this. And the more often you do that, your rewarded; making this easier and easier.
  3. Belkar_OotS Augur

    Re-reading the original poster question.... I second this comment for the most part.

    If you have unlocked muhbis, muhbis for weapons and visible which are best in slot.

    I pretty much chase AC on all my characters because it always has value. I spend dkp on the best in slot GMM hoping for best possible luck. Fill in with second best in slot (ie more muhbis) until I actually get the actual best in slot. I may accept a general drop for super cheap dkp.
  4. Metapsyche Augur

    Generally speaking use your raid currency on BIS upgrades, or weird sidegrades that the guild isn’t likely to give you. I wanted an agro mask on my bard, so I bought one.
  5. yepmetoo Abazzagorath

    Didn't stop them from putting a ton of shoulders on GMM raids. Going to just be more alt loot is all.
  6. Mazame Augur

    What I do every exp. is make an excel sheet for my toons.
    The chart list every slot and then I do a search for what is BIS from the exp for my toons.
    My bst looks at Hdex as it main focus.
    Chanter = HAgi
    Cleric = HWis
    SK= HDex / AC

    I then fill in the chart with the gear name and where it drops. I then keep all my raid coin for the 1st 3 months as I see what drops more commonly and try to get what I can with dkp. I then compare my current gear to see what up will give me to most and upgrade with coin based on that.

    Things to keep in mind Raid focus > group focus and based on class what focus you need can help you to pick what upgrade to get.

    Shield AC > all other slots for those that use shield go over the soft cap.

    Pet ear for pet classes is often the 1st slot I will go for.

    Weapons for melee

    Spell damage focus for caster ( different for each class )

    When I raided as a healer, I often waited till dkp prices dropped My thought was as long as i was not running out of mana during the raid then letting the rest of the people gear up meant that it was easier to heal them so in that cause the biggest upgrade was letting those I heal get gear.
  7. Vumad Cape Wearer

    Good conversation going. The only thing about the muhbis is it fiils any slot. I used my currency to buy a muhbis to make a shield because I felt it was the slot least likely to drop in a chest.
    Even if my muhbis came from a chest, I wouldnt use it to make shoulders for example since chase loot is causing shoulders to go to alts.

    So if the answer is muhbis, the follow up question is where are you most likely to use that muhbis (assuming you already have all your raid foci from ROS gear).
  8. Cicelee Augur


    Spend raid currency on ornamentations. Your character can only perform as good as it looks...
    Vumad, Yinla and Zamiam like this.
  9. Moege Augur

    That would mean I need to buy hero's forge !