Chat field Improvement Request / Question.

Discussion in 'Player Support' started by Terethian, Oct 1, 2019.

  1. Terethian Elder

    When typing in any chat field sometimes you need to go back and edit what you have typed. It is a tedious process which has client quality of life issues. (Correct me if I just do not know the proper keys.)

    When inside a chat field, hitting HOME key should send your cursor to the beginning of the field.

    When inside a chat field, hitting END key should send your cursor to the end of the field.

    (Including an in field scroll to the location as well.)

    Also, as an added bonus, clicking your cursor within a long chat field should scroll the chat field left or right a bit so you can navigate through the field easily.

    YES....I know how old EverQuest is...This is VERY basic chat field functionality. In my opinion the new chat tabs are far less useful and important than in proving the functionality of entering data into the fields.
  2. Moege Augur

    infield scroll shift-leftarrow shift-rightarrow

    This is very old functionality and has not changed with the chat tabs
    Dythan likes this.
  3. Terethian Elder

    Again, as I posted above it was also mentioned as a question. I get why shift would also be needed since the keys do multiple things. I feel that it's not common knowledge however. TBH if you have a chat field selected it would make more sense to program it to not need the shift key...
  4. Derd Augur

    What... edit what i type, blashemy. Your reading my speed typed jibberish and liking it.
    Corwyhn Lionheart and Nennius like this.