The Cacophony of Power Raid Participating Requirements

Discussion in 'The Veterans' Lounge' started by Ranonman, Sep 27, 2019.

  1. Ranonman Elder

    I was checking ZAM EQ and see what's the requirement to participate this raid and it says Record of Fables or Above (which means lvl 4 or lvl 5 book) only. It's technically correct. However, It did not have enough information. I just leveled my book to maximum (Record of Legends) today. I was testing that today. My toon has everything (quests, missions, raids) up to temple raid. I'm missing Pillars raid flag. I still can't zone in Windsong raid instance.

    I understand it's very old content but shouldn't it be that difficult for toons to participate that raid?
    Ssdar likes this.
  2. Bigstomp Augur

    Can you not request it or not zone in?

    The requester still requires all the flagging. The participants should not need it.
  3. Ranonman Elder

    I have a friend who can request raid but I can't still participate in. I have EVERYTHING except Pillars raid, Windsong raid, and Sepulcher of Order raid.
  4. Bigstomp Augur

    I'm sure that's a bug then.
    I believe it should be unlocked to participate.
    I don't recall anything special being required off hand, but it was a long time ago.
  5. Ranonman Elder

    I also believe that it's a bug. Hopefully, dev can chime in.
  6. Warpeace Augur

    Did you have the Record of Legends with you when you tried to zone in? The book location is about the only thing you didn't include in your info so far.

    If I recall you had to have it with you or you could not get into the DZ?
  7. Fryar New Member

    Windsong is locked behind Pillars raid win to request and zone in via the NPC. If you have 3 people that can zone in(have Pillars win) they can place a campfire inside and you can campfire in.
    I don't know if it's supposed to be unlocked at some point on Live, but it's current content on Phinigel and that's exactly how it works for us.
  8. Morthakia Augur

    This was true on Fippy Darkpaw as well. You can’t zone in via the NPC if you didn’t beat Pillars. However, you can zone in via guild banner. So you need 12 people who beat Pillars to zone in and drop a banner to let the other folks in. Sounds like the campfire thing works as well?
  9. Ranonman Elder

    Yea, I have the book on me. Still won't let me zone in. Since, Fryar and Morthakia chimed in and said it's true.

    I thought we cannot gate to fellowship campfire inside instance.
  10. MaxTheLion Augur

    Incoming nerf.