Crafted Ornamentations

Discussion in 'The Veterans' Lounge' started by Goburs, Jul 3, 2019.

  1. Goburs The Filthy Casualz Leader

    To whichever Dev this may concern.....Is the player studio going to jump back on board at some point and create new ornamentations for the DBG store? Not sure if it's a problem with time at hand, willing participents, dev time set aside, etc etc....

    I think it'd be amazing to see some ornaments like solteris weapons, more PoP stuff, Brumal fists, etc....things like that.

    I craft all kinds of the player made pottery ones for people and I see them sold all the time. So there's an obvious excitement about them for alot of people.

    Is this something that's even remotely a possibility?
    AcemoneyFV likes this.
  2. Lisard Silly

    Cracked Staff ornament (goes in any weapon) - such nostalgia, very classic
    Potion vial ornaments (any weapon)
    Instrument Ornaments (any weapons) - Lutes, drums, flutes etc.

    just all ornaments you introduce dont restrict what they can go into, make all weapon/armor ornaments go into any weapon/armor type kthx...good portion of weapon ornaments go unused because only 1-2 classes can use it lol, like the bow / crossbow ornaments as an example. i have like 6 or 7 bow ornaments from Raid/group achievements and Guide events just rotting in my bank as a class that cant use bows =(
    Goburs likes this.
  3. Goburs The Filthy Casualz Leader

    By the way, I'm not sure how it all works, but I would certainly volunteer my time to help out in any way possible. Even if it's just digging up ideas, screenshots, etc...
  4. Monkman Augur

    Just give me a tranquil staff ornament and take my money.
    Goburs likes this.
  5. Duder Augur

    Runed Fighters Staff please
    Goburs likes this.
  6. Elyssanda Bardbrain

    it wasn't a lack of submissions. Last time I spoke with her, Icesy said she still had things in queue to be approved for over a year.
    MasterMagnus likes this.
  7. Goburs The Filthy Casualz Leader

    Over a year? That'd think they would push them's easy money if you get ones people really like.
  8. MasterMagnus The Oracle of AllHigh

    Sadly Player Studio has been officially closed for EQ and EQ2.

    Here is the announcement they made a short 35 days after announcing they were going to 're-start' it (with strike through by me for correctness).

    Yes our submissions had been left to languish for years. There are many items, especially robes from Icesy and myself that could have been added years ago. Now they will never be seen.

    With all the layoffs they don't even have people who can service the entire art pipeline. Even if they wanted to try and make it work again they no longer have the institutional knowledge of how the entire system works.

    Sadly like every other attempt at player made content they've made, it turned out "not so much fun, and way too much work for them".
    Zipe and Elyssanda like this.
  9. Vlad Diszno Augur

    Funny how they can find the manpower to make create 3 bunnies at zero cost to players (so they don't even make a dime off these items) yet they can't bring a bleeping thing out of the vaults or even place stuff in marketplace that has been sold every year around the 4th.
    I feel they are now obligated to create free new items each month in the theme of whatever "appreciation" or "awareness" that month is, otherwise they are not showing support to every gamer who contributes to their community as stated in their producer's letter!
    MasterMagnus likes this.
  10. MasterMagnus The Oracle of AllHigh

    The Art Director, Kevin Lydy, is still there, and he's fantastic. But there are many more things than the art piece that go into anything getting into the game. New things are easier than messing with old things for the most part.

    Many of the problems are related to the database, which is archaic. And something they can't just update with SQL commands like in modern day.

    Some employees who are no longer there, like the Player Studio 'Marketplace person', who was the data entry for actually getting it in, became a 'black box' kind of thing where nobody really knows all the details.

    I really wish they would 'un-vault' all the Player Studio items they got rid of. But not sure if they could even manage that.

    As far as the 'producers letter', they have been making a lot of statements/initiatives that they haven't executed on lately. I'd take any statement from any employee who is a 'Producer' at DBG with a big grain of salt.
  11. Goburs The Filthy Casualz Leader

    They sound like one of the smallest, most organized companies ever...."The marketplace person".....says it all.