Grats Shadows of Doom!

Discussion in 'The Veterans' Lounge' started by Thoxsel, Jun 30, 2019.

  1. Thoxsel Djess' Pet Warrior

    Big congrats for sticking to it and getting your mera win! Much love always.
    Deillusional, Brohg, Axxius and 3 others like this.
  2. Rekni New Member

    Thank you Thox !
  3. Intenso Augur

    4min or something to spare to easy now
  4. Thancra Loladin

    Just needed dps really, not that hard.
  5. Elyssanda Bardbrain

    GRATS!!!!!!!!!!!!! Lots of hard work payed off!
    Grats Makma!
    Deillusional likes this.
  6. Zandy New Member

    thx thox :)
  7. IblisTheMage Augur

    Gogo AB!
    Deillusional likes this.
  8. Insaneox Augur

    Grats on the big win.
    Deillusional likes this.
  9. Sancus Augur

    Deillusional likes this.
  10. Aldryn Another New Member

    Congrats! :)
    Deillusional likes this.
  11. Whulfgar Augur

    Grats ! Very happy for yall!
    Deillusional likes this.
  12. FawnTemplar Augur

    Grats Shadows of Doom!
    Deillusional likes this.
  13. Maedhros High King

    Way to go!
    Deillusional likes this.
  14. Spellfire Augur

  15. Bahdah Augur

  16. Xeladom Augur

  17. Lisard Silly

    wtg #8.

    we almost to top 10!! whos next!!!
  18. Bahdah Augur

    Trolls of Insanity tbh
    Tolzol and Proximoe like this.
  19. Proximoe Elder

    Congrats Folks!
  20. Yinla Ye Ol' Dragon

    Grats guys.

    Deillusional likes this.