Rare enemy Memorial day weekend bonus

Discussion in 'The Veterans' Lounge' started by divirgmar, May 26, 2019.

  1. divirgmar Lorekeeper

    "More likely to appear" is the bonus. However, in the PoP planes it seems this spawn rate has not improved and they are as rare as ever. Is it me?
    Greymantle likes this.
  2. Thoxsel Djess' Pet Warrior

    It’s you.
  3. Grove Augur

    I could be very wrong, but I think there was something said a while back that extra Names is not employed until about House of Thule expansion.
  4. Xyroff-cazic. Director of Sarcasm

    It's only a 50% increase to the rare spawn rate. That might sound like a lot, but for example if a rare normally spawns 5% of the time, it'll now spawn 7.5% of the time during the bonus. For lower % spawn rates, it's not something you'd be likely to notice any measurable difference without farming thousands of PH's to get a meaningful sample size. It's quite noticeable on more common rares though. Like if a rare normally spawns 30% of the time, now it spawns 45% of the time. That's noticeable. So your own observations will depend on what you're camping.

    And it works on all expansions. If the mob cons as "rare" with the fancy gold text and appears on a Hunter achievement list, it is affected by the bonus.
    Risiko and Aurastrider like this.
  5. Wonkilling New Member

    Yeah, I'm not sure what's going on with Doomfire Warmaster, I have been camping him for about 20 hours and have others from the guild camping him too. Nothing. Not sure if he's on holiday lol. Chase loot will be the end of me... ha ha ha.
  6. Aurastrider Augur

    As Xyroff-cazic stated if you are going after rares with a very low % chance to spawn you will not see any noticeable difference. Your best bet is to leave those rares for normal spawn times unless those are all you have left. Go after some of the other more common rares that you might need and knock them out. If someone published a rares list based on level of rarity it would be gold. Until then if you cant get them to spawn do some research on zam or eqresources if you have not already to see if there is any mention on how rare the rare is. Also make sure you are actually going after a rare and not just some mob with a name. If they don't appear on the hunters list they most likely are not a rare and wont be impacted by the bonus.
  7. Andarriel Everquest player since 2000

    yea was hoping to finish my jagged pine forest hunter but no luck on the final three mobs.

  8. john5 Lorekeeper

    Not sure I follow. PoFire rares drop chase loot now?
  9. Cragzop Cranky Wizard

    PoP hunter is part of the requirements for evolving the gloves from FF.
  10. Greymantle Augur

    Aye 50% increase to a near zero spawn rate is not noticable. Having the same issue in multiple pop zones. Spend hours clearing and reclearing with nada results.This particular condintional for evolving is the hardest to complete. The rest are not dependent on random rare spawns.
    Wonkilling likes this.
  11. Dreadmore Augur

    The announcement page (https://www.everquest.com/news/eq-memorial-day-bonus-weekend-2019) says +50%, not *150%, so it sounds like it's now 52%! :cool:
  12. Wonkilling New Member

    No, TBL Gloves. PoP hunters is part of the requirement for them.
  13. Bigstomp Augur

    It seemed much better to me. I picked at PoP hunters recently as well as this weekend. This weekend seemed much better.
  14. Izzard of Bertox Augur

    I planted two AOE playing Bards with a tank merc on ADHD medication and a ranger in Field of Bone for a total of 40 hours. Not one single rare MOB spawned. At least its a challenge o_O!
  15. Izzard of Bertox Augur

    God I wish this was true LOL.
  16. Scorrpio Augur

    Did some epic progress on my alts this weekend. Ranger camping SEoC in Hate, there was definitely a higher named pop rate from what I recall when I camped other stuff there. Chanter camping Guk saw arch magus pop lots more often than normal.
  17. CrazyLarth Augur

    Some of the older 1st zones do not have the ability to flag the mobs as Rares to pop them more.
  18. Drayman Elder

    I didn't step foot in the planes but I saw named up everywhere I went. Got tired of killing them in some cases.
  19. CrazyLarth Augur

    I moved the open Povar Hunter raid (to unlock the TBL hands) from Thursday to Friday because of the Advance notice of the Bonus. we got a lot more done this week it was the 6th week. Thanks for the advance notice and the bonus.
  20. Ngreth Thergn Developer

    And some old (Original into Planes of Power) rares are BAD! With like 1% chance. So 1.5% chance is not a significant change :/ (Some rares in that era are fine! )