Truebox has failed. Let's talk gameplay changes instead.

Discussion in 'Time Locked Progression Servers' started by Jaera, May 1, 2019.

  1. BlueberryWerewolf Augur

    Reducing/eliminating botting and making highly-contested camps and drops available to more people are completely separate issues. It would help the discussion immensely to stop treating botting as the cause of the problem with things being perma-camped. Without botting, the perma-camping still happens, just now it's possibly two or three different people replacing each other instead of one bot army all the time.

    If you want access to drops, the only feasible answer is instanced content or somehow linking quest spawns and drops to players more directly than is currently implemented. This may have the knock-on effect of reducing the demand for MQs and things that incentivize the botters to come in the first place.
    Aneuren and Tymeless like this.
  2. kjempff Elder

    One solution: Limit the problem by making it possible to create private picks (with no named on initial spawn so you can't abuse).. avoid ks'ing, training to steal camps, and so on .. you will still have armys farming krono, but they will not bother everyone other than some mudflation. I guess you would have to admit that open world without policing and consequence has failed for the players of 2019.

    Second solution (not simple to do):
    ip locking (limiting number of connections from one ip address)
    + guide program with ban Authority (since dbg will not act, I assume it is a employee cost issue, but volunteer guides are low cost).

    Third solution (not going to happen): no krono .. remember those progression servers before krono ? sure there were a few magearmys, some cheaters, but really not on the scale it is now.

    Yeah and f... truebox.
  3. Silver-Crow Augur

    I'm not sure private picks like this is a good thing.
    Imagine the havoc on the economy if 10 or 20 bot crews fire up 20 picks of rathe mtns farming hill giants. It would make FV look like it was dealing in copper pieces.
  4. Grailer Augur

    1. Get rid of /follow
    2. Nerf giants loot
    3. Make prime loot no trade

    Lots of ways to fix issue
  5. BlueberryWerewolf Augur

    I guess the counterpoint is you could fire up your own Rathe Mts pick and you have no need for the bot armies and their plat.

    Though, also, I don't think private picks is a useful or good idea for every single zone. It should be for NPC camps that are necessary for character progression, not plat farms -- which makes me think the turn-in locking that Prathun mentioned recently is the better path to take for these kinds of things. Nobody needs to farm Rathe Mts HGs or has a right to. People need and have a right for their Epic quest turn-ins to be unable to be KSed.
  6. BlueberryWerewolf Augur

    1. Bot armies don't really rely on /follow at permacamp spots. This just hurts people who use /follow legitimately.

    2. Probably fine. There's no real need for it.

    3. Then they just sell Loot Rights instead of the item itself. This solves nothing.
  7. code-zero Augur

    How about stop calling for nerfs and play the game?

    You chose to be on an overcrowded server with the mechanics that come with it so adapt and go with it. It's not as if you need a lot of fancy loot to play with focus effects being disabled and melee augs being available on vendors
    Nessirfiti likes this.
  8. Nessirfiti Augur

    This only hurts Legit boxers. People using the programs you people swear they do don't use it.
  9. FIsh Lips Augur

    This isn't going to work, and is going to be disruptive to "legitimate" players. Mages suck enough already without further nerfing them to oblivion. The tools available right now do not require pet classes as it is, they're just convenient for certain mobs. Most people are playing normal groups.

    The only way to curb the destructive behavior everyone dislikes on the server is to remove the profit motive. Eliminate rare spawns and rare drops, everything drops on demand. Lower pick thresholds. Eliminate the remotest possibility of cornering the market on anything, and make things quick enough to obtain that only lazy people will prefer to pay for them.

    Behavior will change, and you will see more raid mob drops for sale, but that's probably not a problem, raid content is instanced.
  10. Accipiter Old Timer

    How about some real suggestions? Your #2 is the only one that makes the cut.
  11. Ceffener Augur

    Getting rid of follow just makes my life more annoying on raids.
  12. Grailer Augur

    Sounds like getting rid of autofollow is key to making boxers life hell.

    Would look very suspect if you had 5 characters sticking to you stacked on top of each other if there was no autofollow :)

    It would make boxing hard so I honestly hope they don’t do this because then I would be forced to group with others or play leap frog with my 6 boxes which would suck. ( in that case I might just go box on another server )

    As for getting rid of bots ....ahahaha good luck with that dream . They have AI that can beat humans in every game ever made so people will just make smarter and smarter bots that are practically undetectable.

    I ran a bot on diablo 3 for years when I was at work it farmed for me 24/7 and never once got banned.
  13. Renshu Augur

    1 - Will solve nothing. People use third party programs to replace /follow as it is. This just hurts the legitimate 2 boxer. Also --> CotH
    2 - Another camp would take the role. There are better options, let them have the giants IMO. This is a "careful what you wish for" kinda thing.
    3 - I can see both sides to this, but no drop loot gets sold for Krono every day!
  14. Accipiter Old Timer

  15. Ceffener Augur

    The entire field of AI would like to have access to this mythical code than is capable of beating humans at every game ever made.
  16. Elyani Augur

    This first sentence right here hits the nail on the head, exactly. Honestly, nothing more needs to be said about this topic than this... over and over and over again.
    Everything you said was pretty "meh" to me except this. No thanks! Unlike other MMOs where this happens, this would DESTROY this game. You want to buy potions from a shaman? Never gonna happen now, they can't go farm items to make them anymore. Tailors can't get silks anymore so they wouldn't exist (same with pretty much every single tradeskill in the game - because unlike newer MMOs, these items drop off of mobs, not random nodes in the game). Unlike games who utilize this (EQ2) we don't get upgrades with each quest, and good items don't tend to drop off of trash outside of raids. So, no one is gonna be able to go farm an item to hand to a twink they want to level up. You'll also see more RMT activity in-game than ever, as people purposely die to maintain certain levels (or exp lock with AAs), in order to farm items most people will no longer be able to get because they decided to level up to raid or see new content. Not able to get a Shrunken Skull Goblin Earring because you were way past leveled when the expansion came out? No worries, I'll sell you one for 7 kronos.

    Also, by making mobs first-to-tag locked, would be worse than a DPS race. Lol. Basically whoever can damage the mob first, the fastest, would win the loots, even if it took them an hour to kill it. Weapon delays, casting times, etc. are heavily unbalanced regardless of how much damage they do. Some people are blessed with practically instant-cast spells. You'll never beat an enchanter with tash, a pet, and a quick hand. Sit on a spawn with a DS, it's yours! A ranger with haste an arrows, win the mob (or call of flames)! This would be absolutely detrimental to groups who had the camp first. It would cause even more cries from people who are being DPS raced currently. No beuno. "We were camping Suchandsuch for an hour, he finally spawned and the tank went to grab the mob from the comfort of our safe spot and some bard came flying through, with AE damage song playing, and then we had to watch him kite the mob for a good 10 minutes by himself and could do nothing about it!" Lol. ;)

    Obviously I am only arguing for the sake of it, because I know these things will never be implemented into the game anyhow. But, c'mon, to claim these would only be a "minor inconvenience" to legitimate players is crazy talk.
  17. Grailer Augur

    Google Alpha GO and ask them for their code
  18. Elemenopi Augur

    Actually enforcing the rules in place would resolve the issue.
  19. Ceffener Augur

    So a single board game is now representative of all games ever made? You have a lack of knowledge on both AI and what EQBot programs can even do...which for EQ is not even AI but just scripting.
  20. Grailer Augur

    Well I can’t argue with someone who thinks they know everything. So since AI isn’t going to improve then we have nothing to worry about .. end of discussion.
  21. code-zero Augur


    It appears that most of the complainers don't have any imagination concerning the effects of what they ask for.