Necro level 25 Summon Corpse spell

Discussion in 'Player Support' started by Puntme01, Mar 31, 2019.

  1. Puntme01 New Member

    I looted the Summon Corpse spell today in South Karana and It is labeled as for Level 255, and It should be Level 25. I also have bought all my spells thru the Library in POK and I have a spell scribed in my spellbook as Unknown, not correct level. I think this should have been the level 25 Summon Corpse spell. FYI I have started a trouble ticked.
  2. GNOME_POWER Augur

    Summon Corpse NEC/39 SHD/51

    It should have been level 39.
    This spell may have removed.