Why we should stop boxing on Mangler

Discussion in 'Time Locked Progression Servers' started by Wisp99, Mar 17, 2019.

  1. Nessirfiti Augur

    Usually if we have a conglomerate group like that it'll be the characters that have maxed or nearly Maxed AAs out of group, it depends on who is there, and who needs what. Bards get left out a lot. Only need one in group, and I loathe going anywhere without mine. Often times that tank will get left out of group with a healer and a bard in its own group. There have been more than a few times I left my entire group out and just gone to heal OOG when bored.
  2. Sturn Augur

    That is a statement of fact in a totally different paragraph than the one you are referring to.
  3. Madae Elder

    I'm done with you. You're being ridiculous. Think what you want.

    I'm saving us both the trouble and blocking you, too, so don't waste your time trying to be "right" about something so asinine it's beyond belief.
  4. Smokezz The Bane Crew

    Pssst.. you won't stop it. Ever.
  5. Grailer Augur

    Boxing has ruined the game , might as well go play WOW classic , at least it has instances to hide boxing
  6. Machentoo Augur

    SOME people are not. Quite a lot of us are. Personally, I do.
  7. Eangel Elder

    Do you mind rewriting these two paragraphs? There is definitely a lack of understanding what you just typed..
  8. Elemenopi Augur

    No need to, I got it right the first time. Deny it/justify it as you may, but game system integrity and RMT do not play well together.
  9. Elemenopi Augur

    And claiming people cant tell the difference is categorically false. There are several methods in which to do so.
  10. Eangel Elder

    OK =) Believe whatever you need to.
  11. Elemenopi Augur

    Psssst....It will stop eventually, as p2w games are going out of fashion. :p

    People want nostalgia, which means "when the game system itself was the product" - rather than the game simply being the environment the real product gets sold and used in.
  12. Serona Elder

    I think single boxing should be made illegal.

    I think this because it’s not the way I like to play.

    If I’ve learned anything from the truebox die hards, it’s that anything different, or something I don’t like, should and will go away if I cry loudly and often.

    Join me in my fight to make single boxing illegal, let’s rid norrath of these scum.
  13. Nessirfiti Augur

    It's a straw-man, They really hate boxers for some reason and will go to any lengths to demonize people who play the game differently than they do. It seems to be entirely a matter of them demanding that people play with them when, where, and how they want them to, and it clearly annoys them immensely that people enjoy playing the game in a way they don't.

    They're railing against a style of play that's been part of EQ since launch, claiming it has ruined the game, that everyone who does it is breaking the rules, with totally no evidence, that somehow random jerks that box are worse than random jerks that don't box. Like I've said before, It could be a 6 boxer, it could be 6 real life friends, if they're camping the item you're after, they're not likely to let you in the group, realistically the 6 boxer is more likely to let you in.
    Serona likes this.
  14. Elemenopi Augur

    I post facts - not from a belief system. If you believe otherwise, cite a p2w game or two where the game system itself is not compromised. Bonus points if you can find one that started off non p2w , and game the game system didnt change negatively when it went p2w.
  15. Machentoo Augur

    Ok. Pray tell, how do YOU tell the difference between a player using 3 computers to box 3 characters, and a player using 3 VM's to box 3 characters? I am really curious. I realize DBG can (sometimes, but not reliably) detect the difference because their software is running on peoples' computer, but I call that other players can.
    Nessirfiti likes this.
  16. Nessirfiti Augur

    Oh! maybe you'll be willing to explain it, How? How can you tell?
  17. Elemenopi Augur

    I dont hate boxers. I dont like what becomes of a game system when RMT is involved.

    Claiming hatred of boxers is the straw man - put in place for lack of refutation for the actual position.

    Furthermore, a cursory review of my recent posting (you know, for those who are objective and actually wish to address the position itself) shows that I am all for having a box-as-you-see-fit server, as well as a no box at all server. Id be fine if each "camp" as it were, had their own game space. This way, what one "camp" lobbies for does not have to negatively affect the other.
  18. Nessirfiti Augur

    I'll admit I had you mixed up with another posted, but my point still stands in a general sense.
    You know the difference between a TLP with AOCs and picks but no truebox, and a no-boxing server? One specifically states a good chunk of the playerbase isn't welcome. the other doesn't.
  19. Elemenopi Augur

    I already cited 2 correct examples of how that can be, (and is) done.

    Hint: Video analysis can get it down to 1/120th of a second (1 slow motion frame). I can be more accurate than that If I want to - with a higher end slow-mo system. Even without that however, Its not like there arent multiple free video capture utilities. When I see every single character taking the exact same action at the exact same time within the same video frame of accuracy, they are not being played and controlled from multiple PCs.

    So now where are the goal posts at? all boxers have military android reflexes? :p

    If we analyze you for like ~50 actions, and every single one is never a frame off, we got you, lock, stock, and two smoking barrels.

    Keep in mind we are using "you" in the royal sense, not the personal sense.
  20. Eangel Elder

    You believe you post facts. You also assumed my post was about defending box armies when the only thing I mentioned was 6 boxers. Last I checked 6 members did not qualify as an army, but maybe where you are from this is the case? You are frazzled, take a breath and maybe get a hug? Re-read what I posted to begin with or don't, your choice. But right now, you are coming off as a rustled individual spouting "facts" as you call them.