Monk, Necro or other?

Discussion in 'Time Locked Progression Servers' started by Runes01, Mar 9, 2019.

  1. Runes01 New Member

    Not sure if there is really an answer that can be given as it may be really situational but wanted to get your thoughts on which class would be able to do a better job of holding a camp on a non raid mob solo between Monk, Necro or another class does better given below:

    Its classic on Mangler
    Class is 50
    non raid geared yet

    Camps like HG giants, Arch Mage and other similar mob spawns that are not single shot low hp mobs?

    I was thinking the Necro or maybe a Shaman with pets and dots would win dps races against another single toon player but without focus effects Monk fists at 50 seem hard to beat?

    I know SK can HT once an hour- but lets put that aside for now as thats really a one trick pony.

    Thanks for any feedback.
  2. PwnQuest Augur

    Definitely not a melee in classic if farming is what you are trying to do. Necro, Chanter, Shaman etc.
  3. oldkracow 9999 Is the Krono Account Limit

    If your goal is just to hold a camp solo pick a Necro.

    If you goal is to hold a camp against other players you'll need 5 more people in your group.

    As no solo, duo or trio is beating a 6 man group at a camp for dps.