Broken /tells

Discussion in 'Player Support' started by Time Burn, Feb 18, 2019.

  1. Time Burn Augur

    If my /tell contains more than ~ 15 characters or so it sometimes will not go through, but other times it will. For example:

    /tell Bubba Hey Bubba, want to group somewhere?

    < tell doesn't go through, so I send a smaller one 4 seconds later >

    /tell Bubba Want to group?

    < tell goes through >

    Why is this?
  2. Riou EQResource

    1st one is probably being Spam Filtered -> Options -> Chat -> Spam set to Show
  3. Warzon Elder

    Yes, the spam filter has decided to just go hogwild and is now blocking all kinds of stuff. In general we've found that a tell is highly likely to be flagged as spam if it:
    1. Contains numbers.
    2. Contains non-dictionary words (afk, ttyl, lol, k, abbreviations etc.)
    3. Is long
    4. Contains symbols.

    Your best bet is to just never again use tells. Try smoke signals, emotes, etc.
  4. Time Burn Augur

  5. Morthakia Augur

    I’ve been experiencing an unprecedented level of blocked outbound tells lately (past few months). About 1 in 4 messages is blocked. It is INSANELY frustrating and has caused me to stop chatting with a number of different people because rewording my tells ends up cumbersome as I’m also trying to play the game.
  6. NameAlreadyInUse #CactusGate

    The inability to use punctuation and adult-length sentences has reduced my communication to kindergarten-level sentences like, "See spot run." On the other hand, this has been going on for months and it's amazing how many people don't seem to notice it. Almost as if they only ever used kindergarten-level sentences...
  7. Smokezz The Bane Crew

    It's been going on for a long time. It's skipping the Launchpad that does it. I stopped doing it, despite disliking running it for every char. When you skip it, your account is set to 0 days old which makes it very aggressive. (This was confirmed by Daybreak, but no ETA on a fix).