Elemental Bows vs Bow of Storms

Discussion in 'The Veterans' Lounge' started by nodontcarekkthxbye, Jan 23, 2019.

  1. nodontcarekkthxbye Augur

    Curious if anyone knows how much better the elemental droppable bows from PoP are then the Bow of Storms? Anyone remember parses, etc?
  2. roth Augur

    Despite being crafted, technically, the EP bows were raid level. And a higher raid level than a S.Seru bow, at that.

    Personally, I never got my hands on a S.Seru bow. I went from a Blessed Faydark Thunderbolt to an earth bow. So I don’t have the hard data that you seek. That said, they did make a change to archery in the intervening years (a couple actually - a couple of fixes, one involving haste, another involving the simulated lag of 0.2 delay they put in when they initially added /autofire, and the addition of autofire itself), and given that autofire was not a thing back then, I don’t know that you’d have reliable data anyway.

    Technically, a Featherwood Compound Bow, at 24 delay, should be the strongest EP bow, but parse attempts showed that fire, water, and earth bows were fairly competitive with it. Earth’s bow was popular both for the ease of obtaining materials, and for the high damage on it made for some pleasant eye candy.
  3. nodontcarekkthxbye Augur

    Ok, thanks for info, but basically I cant afford an elemental bow, but can probably get a bow of storms through dkp, so looking for some more concrete data to see if i should get the bow of storms, or save dkp for a bow from pop that is no drop.
  4. roth Augur

    Get your fletching (and other tradeskills, as needed) up and farm the EP’s for your materials? PoFire bow might be hard to do because some materials only drop during the Fennin script. But the other bows shouldn’t be too hard to get materials for, as long as you can convince a group to go. Stay there long enough for everyone to get some materials sets, and then all of you can profit from the bazaar.
  5. nodontcarekkthxbye Augur

  6. Zipe The Healer

    I parsed all EP bows on era with my ranger with max PoP aa (testcopied him to Test server with autogrant off and Dummy for 1 hour with each bow).
    Featherwood is the best bow.
  7. nodontcarekkthxbye Augur

    Ok, thanks, but that isnt my question.