Quality of Life wishes and dreams. What would you want?

Discussion in 'The Veterans' Lounge' started by Risiko, Jan 8, 2018.

  1. AnzoRagespirit Augur

    This reminds me of joining a guild group in FM knowing we all troll each other only to have the mage coth me about 200 miles in the air...I could cast my insta Levi but I was too busy laughing cause at the time and situation it was hillarious.
    Tatanka likes this.
  2. Ngreth Thergn Developer

    I thought you wanted actually impassible, with the "get rid of invisible walls" statement. Not "Keep invisible walls but make it look better" And sure. That may be possible but two things. More terrain is more memory and larget files, so those unnecessary except for cosmetic reasons fake walls that you can actually SEE take up memory. And two, it would make artists cry to have every outdoor zone in the game be in a canyon.

    Also. In the end, I don't want to squelch your ideas, but I do want to comment on things that are the way they are for a reason.
  3. Alarya Augur

    I love being able to customize my look! I would like to see a better dying system for the game that allows you to dye multiple sections of a piece of armor (i.e. the details of the armors) along with being able to alter ornament colors as well! I also would LOVE to have a filter in the /baz to filter out already collected collectibles and/or sort by expansion. Another neat feature would be to have instanced missions from any zone, something like a daily mission that can be set to the highest level in the group. Additionally, as a wizard, it would be cool to see the Dichotomic/alliance spell lines match whichever mancy buff is active (so change it's element).
    Gyurika Godofwar likes this.
  4. Bobokin Augur

    Is the 30 second wait really bad enough to want resources wasted on another zone that takes much more time to zone into? I would have to give up my guild hall dojo. Just break the wrist, and walk away.

    I would like to see the ability to use some of the friendly guild hall NPCs be used on the guild lawn. I would like to put a wizzy spires out there, but what is the use if there can't be a gate crystal vendor on the lawn with a gate platform.
  5. Bobokin Augur

    One item I would really like to see, and I have been given positive feedback from players when I mention it, is a guild hall librarian. It would work like a guild hall banker, but only scrolls (spells and tomes) could be deposited.

    If scrolls could be sorted by class and level, like in the bazaar or personal inventory find lists, it would make a guild library much easier to keep. As a plus, this NPC could actually be placed in the guild library which many guild halls have.
  6. Bobokin Augur

    What players do not like is not as much the invisible wall at the side of zones. What they don't like is that mobs are placed too close to these zone borders and players inadvertently aggro mobs because the zone line that looks like a nice hill has an artificial boundary. That is a design choice that can be remedied.
  7. Bobokin Augur

    I'm not sure a round kick would make sense from a mount, but other kicks and punches should be from any melee class.

    Heck, rogues can't even backstab from a mount, so there is some silliness in the implementation of mounts for melee and hybrid classes.
  8. IblisTheMage Augur

    Combat dummy area that functions as a normal zone sounds like a good idea.

    Also, give combat dummies an aggro list (clears after 30 seconds of no damage by anyone to the dummy).
  9. Bobokin Augur

    Why does it sound like a good idea?

    What issues would it resolve? What advantages would it have? What issues would it create?
  10. IblisTheMage Augur

    Better parsing: everlasting buffs are an issue that makes parsing on a dummy less useful.

    The aggro list: some dps factors (like the Of Many mage spell line) depends on what is on the aggro list. Currently, the spell is not easy to parse on a dummy.
    Aurastrider likes this.
  11. Aurastrider Augur

    I love this idea the only thing I would add is a variety of different dummies based on time for longer or shorter parses or the ability to interact with the dummy and set a specific time. It would be cool if you could adjust their stats also to better reflect an encounter or mob type a person might be struggling with. One step further would be "fake" damage taken on say a tank but that would probably require a whole new "health" bar but would still be cool in a training environment.
    IblisTheMage likes this.
  12. IblisTheMage Augur

    And something as simple as an interface where you can write the stats and press submit, instead of having to click multiple times to get a single stat increment (grrr), and the ability to save and load dummy profiles ON THE EQ CLIENT, not on the server. The stat block should be exportable as a text string and importable as well, for easy sharing of dummy-setups.
  13. Mookus Augur

    Mage Rods - make it so that whenever a mage casts this AE.... it automatically replaces any mage rod already in people's inventory so that partially used rods will simply be 'filled up'.

    This would remove the need to mages to spam raid members to delete partially used rods before they cast new ones between events.
  14. IblisTheMage Augur

    And More charges (for more mana)
  15. svann Augur

    I would like a selos song I can cast on the mob - for those hella-long pulls.
    IblisTheMage likes this.
  16. Brumans Augur

    • "Share Task" button. Usually the solo tasks are bad enough, but it's just another barrier to group play trying to lead everyone around to pick them up.
    • Dummies for parsing. I know there's a lot of nuance to DPS vs various mobs, but it still gives consistent results. It doesn't have to be perfect. Have a few varities, people can then see how things proportionally affect their DPS.
    • Buff block the illusion component of certain clicks, but still get the buff (like group wolf stuff)
    • Illusions still give buff if already illusioned (tedious to click off illusion, click phantom froglok, click off phantom froglok, go back to original illusion, just to get lev)
    • Better settings saving. You can copy over your UI files and .ini, so much is still not saved. All of the character specific stuff should go to the .ini (or an .ini next to it), so chat window settings actually DO get saved and copied over for characters
    • Probably too big of a lift, but it'd be great if it was also stored server side, and you could pull that down as desired. Copying between dropbox or whatever is easy enough, but something in-game would be great.
    • Save label / height filter per Zone. I'm always having to toggle these on/off as I'm running around, different zones have different needs (like MG, gotta have height on, POK, gotta have labels off, etc).

    Kind of QOL, kind of just design related:
    • Speaking of how bad solo tasks are in a group oriented game like EQ....if a group member completes a step (like looting), it should just update anyone else in the group that's on the same task. Don't make people not want to play together.
    More tech-related QOL / bugs:
    • Mouse speed shouldn't be tied to FPS (hence why mouse look in crowded areas like guild lobby is terrible)
    • "item click doesn't stop casting" bug, usually requires a /q to fix. The "warm milk" and "fresh cookies" seem to be really temperamental comparatively lately.
    • I mean it'd also be great if more of the GPU was used, but I can't imagine that heavy of an engine rework is something realistic to expect. Modern machines should never have slowdown with what EQ renders, but that's hard to change.
    Gyurika Godofwar and Risiko like this.
  17. enclee Augur

    Let the Druid Skin-line and Cleric Aego-line stack. It's frustrating to have to tell people to click off Assurance, so they can get Skin + Symbol.

    Ngreth, you're talking about memory and assets you could kill of the Cleric symbol line with this and save memory...
    Gyurika Godofwar likes this.
  18. Angahran Augur

    Black/Whitelist for illusions.
    I'd love to have a setting for 'illusions' like Mine/Group/Raid that would prevent illusions BUT would allow any 'buff' associated with that illusion.

    Sort of like the 'hide my helm' option. You get the stats from wearing a helm but don't look like you are running around with a bucket on your head. (A hide others helm option would be cool. I like the new heroic armor but find 99% of the hats/helms/etc just too stupid to look at.)

    Or, a simpler option, add more slots to the blocked buff list. The pirate eyepatch alone takes 32? slots ? each playable race, male and female. Add the 101 wolf illusions.
    Would be nice if every spell with an illusion component could be split so the illusion part could be blocked.
  19. Fanra https://everquest.fanra.info

    This is genius. I don't know how often I have to tell people to block the white/black wolf illusions from the druid group AAs. Some still don't get it. Being a huge wolf on a raid is not good.

    Rather than just "Illusions", make it be "Block Spell/AA Illusions: [None/Self/Others/All]". This will allow item illusions (yes, I know they are spells attached to Items, but maybe it could check if it was cast from an item). Can also add "Block Item Illusions: [None/Self/Others/All]." for items.

    In any case, if that is too hard, just the block illusions at least gives me the ability to just tell everyone to check that box during raids. Note it should just block illusions from being placed on you, if you are already in an illusion when you check it, your illusion should remain on you.
  20. svann Augur

    Or maybe even give the person casting the spell the option to not do the illusion part.
    Fanra likes this.