Memorial Day XP bonus and such?

Discussion in 'The Veterans' Lounge' started by eqgamer, May 24, 2018.

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  1. Jetslam Augur

    And they are. Stop being pedantic and complaining about a discount. You probably won't buy anything anyway.
  2. Schatze Journeyman

    English Major here. Then state that it will be RAISED to 25% or that members will receive an additional 15%,.
  3. Schatze Journeyman

    Please don't tell me what I will and won't do. I rarely have station cash. Why? because I do spend it. I also buy it with cold, hard cash.
  4. NameAlreadyInUse #CactusGate

    The 25% vs 15% semantics debate is moot. DBG is shifty and will always try to spin things as way better than they actually are. Remember when they championed their "flying mounts", even though they are nothing but levitating mounts and other games already had real flying mounts? Remember when they very recently advertised a sale on craftsman potions, after silently raising the price on them dramatically?

    Don't trust DBG, and you won't be nearly as disappointed.
  5. NameAlreadyInUse #CactusGate

    Interesting that this grammatically incorrect sentence would be correct IF you inserted the word "additional" before the 25%. Just a coincidence, I'm sure :)
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