Potion belt autoinventory still missing

Discussion in 'The Veterans' Lounge' started by Dewey, Apr 18, 2018.

  1. Dewey Augur

    I just read the patch notes and I am disheartened because the ability to /autoinventory outside of the inventory screen was not fixed in this patch.

    The /autoinventory does not work when casting spells. It does not work in conjunction with other hotkeys, and it is super annoying to have the inventory window open at all times to drop items into. There is no other way to add an auto equip slot to another UI.

    There was this anniversary raid that I attended the other day. It kept dropping coins onto my cursor. I couldn't even click to target a mob without trying to trade with it. Because of the other hotkeys that I was clicking the only option I had was to leave my inventory open throughout the whole mission.

    I never ever want to do that mission again because of the coins that appeared on my cursor. It was so annoying without the potion belt to have to play that way was very upsetting. Please fix it. I am sure not a day goes by that I don't say some cuss words concerning the loss of autoequip function dealing with the potion belt.

    Will we see a fix to this loss of function in the May patch next month?
    xcitng and Yinla like this.
  2. Aurastrider Augur

    The devs have already commented on this and basically said its not a high priority since on their end time is limited and on our end we already have a social /autoinventory that you can create and keybind. Its not an overly complicated one to make and you could simply keybind it to one of your movement keys for example. For targeting you could also utilize something like target nearest npc and keybind it or if you are assisting have an assist macro keybound. You can even make one for your extended target window. Rarely do I ever use a mouse for targeting any npc's in game but that's just my preference.
    Tegila, moogs and Corwyhn Lionheart like this.
  3. Yinla Ye Ol' Dragon

    If their time is so limited why remove the potion belt in the first place, which then left them with the need to change Hot bars?
  4. Corwyhn Lionheart Guild Leader, Lions of the Heart

    Going to assume it is because it made something easier for them.
    Zhaunil_AB likes this.
  5. Dythan Ban Lev in Plane of Fire guy

    I'm thinking it's because the universe hates you.
    Zhaunil_AB and Nolrog like this.
  6. Tiggold Augur

    They could also be trying to add a feature. I'm almost positive at this point that anything new would require something old to poof.
  7. Dewey Augur

    Your bottom line states everything. It's your opinion.

    What you say doesn't work for me. Devs need to fix this.
    xcitng and Yinla like this.
  8. Dythan Ban Lev in Plane of Fire guy

    Or it is working as intended?
  9. IblisTheMage Augur

    So we got another Potion Belt thread.

    You know, I think you might be wrong there. I think it is somewhat more likely that you will have to adapt your playstyle.
    Tegila, moogs and Dythan like this.
  10. Dewey Augur

    Yes. I have no choice.

    However, I it would be nice if the dev's acknowledged that the /autoinventory button that you described doesn't work with other hot keys. It does not work while casting spells. It can also prevent other hotkeys from working.

    For targeting I know how to cycle and assist.

    I also know how to link the xtargets to hotkeys and how to use them.

    I have no choice but to adapt my Playstyle. It doesn't mean that I don't want it fixed.

    Xianzu_Monk_Tunare likes this.
  11. Alekzandre Augur

    Seems to me, that with some of the changes made lately to the UI and the back end server upgrading, maybe something new is coming. These changes are things that are done to accommodate new things, and are not done if something new is not planned, as they take time and resources to accomplish. The question is, what is coming!
  12. Ofearl Slayer of all things Stupid

    Lets break this down....

    17th Anni, Hates Fury was said raid... You get 19 coins during the clear and some of those were 2 at a time. So that means the very least you "have" to open your inventory screen is 19 times, betting closer to 14/15 times really.

    You only get coins on "named" kills in it and if you watch your target box you will know when you are about to receive said coin/s and can pre open said inventory screen to be ready to drop then target the next mob.

    Good thing you didn't say what class you are as I could better suggest on more productive and correct ways to target the next monster. Actually I'll go ahead and learn you up on that aspect of EverQuest.... Get your tinfoil hats ready.

    Tanking class: Use F8, taunt, attack
    Priest/Healers: Heal above... So no need to target a bad guy
    Every other person in the raid: Right click the ETW (extended target window), scroll down about half way and you will see Raid assist target, click that... Now your assigned Raid main assist will target what you are to be targeting... No need to "target/trade" with a mob ever again during a raid. Better yet use the options window and assign a button to cycle thru your ETW, I use Tab, makes your life much easier and that is what EQ needs, more easy mode...

    Yet another weird feature you could choose to use, right click a open hot button and assign a new macro, /autoinventory as the line... Now when you get those pesky coins or anything else on your cursor you hover over said button and "click" it... it will magically remove it self off your cursor and you can once again slay the bad guys.
    Tegila likes this.
  13. IblisTheMage Augur

    My guesses would be:

    Preparations for moving to AWS or the like
    Preparations for UI overhaul in next expansion.
  14. Dewey Augur

    The /autoinventory does not work when casting spells. It does not work in conjunction with other hotkeys, and it is super annoying to have the inventory window open at all times to drop items into. There is no other way to add an auto equip slot to another UI.

    It's like you didn't read what I typed. Even though you copied it.

    As for the targeting, I know all of the above methods and more that you typed. It still does not fix the issue.
    xcitng likes this.
  15. Ofearl Slayer of all things Stupid

    So the issue is you cant wait like 2.1 seconds to open your inventory and or use the /autoinv button.. gotcha, easy mode wanted.
  16. Beeferx Journeyman

    Enchanters are such a rarity on live that they are used to being catered to, even bad ones.
  17. Dewey Augur

    I'm glad that you finally understand the issue. The other issue being that I can no longer place this convenient inventory drop into other windows.

    Is it easy mod to actually want to do something while your waiting on a 2.3 second casting time spell to cast? Then to immediately do something else and not have that something else be something that is non-beneficial like /autoinventory? At the end of the cast I could be doing aa's, hotkeys, other spells. Instead I have to waste time with a stupid item on my cursor.
  18. MasterMagnus The Oracle of AllHigh

    Or use a bag adjusted to the shape and location of your old potion belt, lock it, set a hot key to open it, keybind the old potion belt key combo to the bag you've made your potion belt. You could even recreate Shift+B to only toggle open/close the other bags.

    I use the Satchel of Legacies Lost which is the 'odd man out' 7 slot bag.
    Kianara likes this.
  19. Aurastrider Augur

    Nothing about it is an opinion other than I think keybind is more efficient than mouse clicking and even that is not really an opinion it is purely faster in most cases. The other things are actually facts. Those socials do exist and the ability on the player end to make this work is already in game. It sucks for people to have to adapt and make changes but that's just part of life some times.

    I was basically commenting on something a dev had already commented on without going out and finding their thread. If I have time I will link it and you can argue with them.
  20. Aurastrider Augur

    You are asking me as if I am a developer. Your guess is as good as mine. I can make assumptions and you can make assumptions but at the end of the day that is all they are. No sense beating a dead cat.
    Zhaunil_AB likes this.