saving multiple resolution layouts

Discussion in 'Player Support' started by moogs, Nov 25, 2017.

  1. moogs Augur

    I'm having a terrible time with this. My monitor's default desktop resolution is 2560x1600 (16:10). I usually play EQ at this resolution.

    When I record gameplay for YouTube, I want to be able to play at 1920x1080 (16:9). How can I switch between two saved layouts WITHOUT UI elements jumping around and forcing me to spend an hour putting things back together?

    I should be able to save a layout at one resolution and save a layout at another resolution and switch between them without ever having to mess with my interface layout again. What am I missing here?
  2. Zhaunil_AB Augur

    In your UI_charactername_servername.ini:

    For each window you will find settings like
    For a list of "known" resolutions, refer to your default.ini, also in the EQDir.
    I don't know if you can edit in more than that.

    Note however that there is only one "windowed" setting, so if you change the resolution but still play windowed, i guess you need to live with repositioning the elements each time.

    Alternatively, you could adjust that once more, and then copy the UI-ini to "lowres.ini" and "highres.ini" and write a batch to copy the "correct" one onto UI_charname_servername.ini i guess...

    There might be more elegant solutions (that still won't involve 3rd-party software), but i don't know any.
  3. moogs Augur

    Thanks. I was hoping to avoid it, but a couple of batch scripts per character will be the best solution until it is supported natively.
  4. moogs Augur

    I think the default installdir is now C:\Users\Public\Daybreak Game Company\Installed Games\EverQuest, or if you're on Steam it would probably be C:\Program Files (x86\Steam\steamapps\common\EverQuest. I have mine installed to C:\EverQuest.

    Here are some steps in case any non-technical people would like to follow along:

    1. I launched EQ at my first resolution (2560x1600 windowed) and moved the interface around the way I want it.
    2. I created a folder, EverQuest\backup (it probably already exists on some installs), and made a copy of UI_Moogs_luclin.ini and placed it in the backup folder. I now have two copies of my UI at 2560x1600 resolution.
    3. In EQ, I set my resolution to 1920x1080 and moved the interface around the way I want it for when I record for Twitch/YouTube. Now the main EverQuest\UI_Moogs_luclin.ini file is set for 1080p and I have EverQuest\backup\UI_Moogs_luclin.ini saved for 1600p.

    I wrote a super simple script (eq-resolution-switch.bat) with the following contents:

    cd everquest

    ren UI_Moogs_luclin.ini UI_Moogs_luclin-bak.ini.
    move backup\UI_Moogs_luclin.ini c:

    move UI_Moogs_luclin-bak.ini backup
    ren backup\UI_Moogs_luclin-bak.ini UI_Moogs_luclin.ini

    With EQ not running, I run the script from my desktop and it swaps the two INI settings files without altering their contents. If I run the script a second time, it switches back to the original resolution layout. You could get much more fancy, but this works for what I want to do. For example, if I want to do this with EQ running (nah), I would probably use the copy command rather than rename.
    Saman likes this.
  5. kingsBlend New Member

    Thank you for this! I just came across it through google and it is exactly what I was looking for.