When will storage be addressed?

Discussion in 'The Veterans' Lounge' started by Deux, Jun 21, 2017.

  1. Deux Corpse Connoisseur

    Storage revamp would REALLY do alot of free up server resources. Imagine, for instance, if stack sizes were increased to 999...all the multiple stacks of 20 or 50 or whatever would be eliminated. Making a central repository for tradeskill items would be a boon for server CPUs.
    Gyurika Godofwar likes this.
  2. Ishtass Augur

    Not for me. My problem isn't needing more stacks, it's that I have too many unique items.
    moogs likes this.
  3. Leigo You come here often?

    This is more about tradeskill stuff
  4. Roartyger Smoot Elder

    I want a cupboard for prepared food and drinks. It should have icicles and frost wafting off of it. And another cupboard for raw food and drink materials. A smithy with shelves with ore and broken weapons for graphics. Open them and you get a list. I don't want my meat touching smithing supplies or even owlbear dung or other manure.

    Quest item inventory in a list. Never go anywhere again and find out you forgot one minotaur horn or orc belt.

    A workshop worthy of a master venefice to hold his poison materials. I'm going with a venefice being someone skilled at the art of poisoning/making poisons and not the other definition as a sorceror, also Venefice is my mule that holds all the poison mats. Nyah.

    And so on. Large placeable storage that has to be placed to view the items/list. The house can then use the rest of the placeable storage the way it was meant to for the weapons and armor to adorn the walls and fill an umbrella stand. A fletcher's nook for storing fletching materials. A singing bass on the wall for fishing item storage. Maybe some kind of Ronco or Posso T Box clockwork for tinkers. Storage segregated by tradeskill in houses or even in the yard. Access list is already a part of the house.

    And a Matrix armory with more guns and ammo than you would ever need or at least somewhere I can dump all the defiant gear and weapons without having to look for that one helmet on 5 mules.

    I'm not sure if you can add storage to houses other than the eviction crate but it seems it might be easier to add to what is already there but I could be wrong.
  5. Aanuvane Augur

    You can add a storage crate to get additional space for placeable items only, not the "any type" of storage that's needed for storing tradeskill items or armor.
  6. Moege Augur

    Oh boy, went and bought a neighborhood, added some houses that was 2 weeks ago, filled some of them with research components 2 days ago.

    Today... neighborhood does not show up when I search at the gate neither does the character I know own plots in it. Alts can still zone into it though the neighborhood guild hall.

    Guess I will be removing all the components till I'm sure it works.
    2 weeks for it to become unusable, yeah not trusting this at all.
  7. Smokezz The Bane Crew

    For TS items, most will stack to 1000 next week.
  8. Pootle Elder

    Serious? AMAZEBALLS!!!!
  9. Goodn Augur

    I have not logged onto Test, but here's the actual statement from the Test patch:

    - Increased the stack size of most tradeskill components from 1-200 to 1-1000.

    The items that stack to 200 already really aren't that big an issue...it's the ones that stack far less than that and according to the patch notes, this does nothing for those.
  10. Brudal Augur

    On test it worked on roots and gnome grease, those stacked to 20 before so going to 1k is nice; having multiple stacks of ores or dusts that previously stacked to 100 is nice as well.
  11. Goodn Augur

    Thanks Brudal. That sounds like the patch is very good news.

    This wouldn't be the first time a patch note was poorly written...
  12. Pootle Elder

    WooHoo, this all makes me and my TS Mules a very happy Halfling.
  13. Deux Corpse Connoisseur

    Definitely a step in the right direction! Although TS item storage would be preferable I wonder if they would consider the ability to dye or color containers/bags so we can visually identify what containers hold what...for example dye a bag white for gems, dye a bag green for hides, etc
    Fanra likes this.
  14. blood & gufts Augur

    Must say, that I find your behaviour below average.

    And if this is the way a lot behave, I would say they heroes being here, and dealing with it.

    If I had a working day with customers behaving this way, I would be out the door.
  15. Risiko Augur

    Reading this thread, I can't help but wonder if it's the storage that is an issue or what is stored.

    I think the problem here is inherent to where the industry as a whole came from; D20 pen and paper gaming. Back then, you kept a list of items on a sheet of paper. It was up to you to manage it all because well you were the character so to speak.

    Sadly, this idea of storage management carried over to MMORPGs, and I think it is flawed at the very core.

    You shouldn't have to manage your crap in a computer game. The game should manage it for you. There should be tabs on your character window for all of the various storage; crafting materials, money loot, gear, quest items, etc. You shouldn't have to move any of it around or manage any of it.

    I feel the same way about looting quest related items. You shouldn't have to loot them. When you kill a mob that has a quest related item on it, it should automatically be listed on your Quest Items tab.

    The bag-based inventory system is out of date, and should be laid to rest. It's probably too late for an 18 year old game to change that, but God I hope that new MMORPGs going forward don't make the same mistakes.
    Ishtass likes this.
  16. segap Augur

    Or they could stop recycling 15+ year-old trade skill recipes that make nothing useful in the name of "content". Then people wouldn't feel compelled to store all this crap and the problem becomes much less an issue.

    They already have an option to do that. Different people on the team implement quests differently. I really wish the entire dev team would do away with the loot and hand in method. Even worse is the loot and not do anything with the item (of which it is not a temporary/no rent item to boot).
    Fanra likes this.
  17. Millianna Augur

    People are going use 3rd party programs regardless.
  18. Geroblue Augur

    Some patch notes aren't clear.
  19. Scorrpio Augur

    Limits on storage and need to manage what you keep and what you offload has always been a factor in such games. Also the distinction between what you keep on self vs what you leave in bank. Though with proliferation of super capacity 100%wr bags, and losing your stuff on death becoming non-issue, such factors have definitely became moot.
    Personally, I would be happy with a system that lets me manage bank/inventory in same way as the bazaar, where all items are listed in one list, no need to poke into bags. With ability to search/filter for specific stuff. You would still need to acquire those bags, but they would just get you slots in the main list. Oh, also add the option to 'auto inventory to highest WR slot'.
    Ability to search your bank from anywhere - but not place/take items - would also be great.
  20. Leigo You come here often?

    omg I love you