Future of Everquest

Discussion in 'The Veterans' Lounge' started by duncanmacleod08, Jun 12, 2017.

  1. duncanmacleod08 New Member

    I played back when the game first came out till planes of power - what i remember of the old eq is there was a hell of a lot more risk involved. Which made it far more interesting then whats currently out here remember had to fight loot every junk thing to sell for a few coppers recently started a new char got to level 49 in 3 days and 1500 plat just from selling stuff i looted not to mention the level of gear you get from completing achievements seems far over powered compared to quest and dropped gear found in the zones makes you kinda over powered... another thing i miss are the hell levels that slowed you down like hitting 30 remember it took weeks to get out of 30... Dying is also now super easy you respawn with everything just take a xp hit used to be you spawned naked lost xp and had to go loot your corpse or have a necro summon it - way to kill necros summoning corpses...

    that being said eq has become all reward no risk- kinda makes it less fun and shadow of its former self....

    Eq2 - it was more graphically intense had no skill ups or racial class limitations which was kind of a let down when you see a wood-elf shadowknight running around or a dark elf paladin kinda makes you want to smack your head or better yet a dwarf druid .... wtf - you pulled away from a lot of the fundamentals of the first game that made everquest unique

    Eq next had some interesting ideas but biggest mistake made was trying whole new ideas they had to sink to much collateral into building to find out how to make it work--- eq doesn't need to be a minecraft to do well we don't need the fancy building options that you tried to do with landmark or the giant voxel based world .... biggest interesting thing by far was the promise of smarter ai that wouldn't be in a centralized location but would react towards people would do ie send patrols from camp, move the camp , attack a nearby town ect

    Eq3 - in order to keep the faith of the eq player-base going forward you should go back examine the core values of eq1 and respect eq2 do some polls figure out what everyone loved from eq1, eq2 , work on that smarter ai from next, meet in the middle between eq1 and eq2 develope a game truly unique based on the feedback and support you get from your players and add the ai that next was promising... we don't need another minecraft knock off clone we need the hardcore risk vs reward game filled with rich lore of the everquest franchise - gimmicks will get you no where - innovations like next's promised ai and going back to the roots of eq1 gameplay style with the fan favorite bell and whistles of eq2 will do awesome.. also add support for occulus rift for those of use who love 3d and virtual reality....
  2. Tucoh Augur

  3. Nennius Curmudgeon

  4. Vizula-Emarr Elder

    Is that your expert opinion of the current game state based on achieving level 49 and comparing it to what it was 18 years ago?
    Zahel and Azbaelus like this.
  5. Treiln Augur

    Or...you could get past the streamlined content and forge an honest tried and true opinion?
  6. Aurastrider Augur

    3 days and level 49 is by no means enough time or levels to have an educated opinion or enough time to make a real comparison. I have been doing the hero's journey for almost 8 months now. In terms of this all reward system it could not be further from reality if you want to commit to some of the more time consuming ventures in game. The whole corpse run thing has been beaten like a dead horse. It's a quality of life improvement. There is nothing stopping anyone from doing a simulated corpse run if that's your thing.
  7. Corwyhn Lionheart Guild Leader, Lions of the Heart

    This is mainly more of the rose colored glasses thing where someone looks back nostalgically on their old eq days and mistakes that feeling for "it being the way all games should be now".

    It wasn't that hardcore eq was a better game back in the day it was that that was all there was to play for a first person perspective game. Plus it was uber cool because it was new and we all went overboard playing it. No longer will I tell a girlfriend sorry I have to raid tonight. No longer will I get up at 3 am to attend a raid or stay up 3 days straight camping something. Been there done that not happening again for any game. Well lets say super unlikely just in case.

    Are there still people hardcore about some games sure. Not the EQ population in general though. Most of the EQ population has been playing EQ and sometimes other games for many years. On average we are an older population and on average less into hard core no matter what our fond memories of living through it were. Studies have show we tend to hold on to the good memories the longest short of traumatic life threatening events which hopefully were not part of EQ even in the early days :).

    If you were going to market an EQ3 to non eq players sure try hardcore though a lot of hardcore games don't make it in today's market. I think the only hardcore market that does well is first person shooters and that is hardcore twitch wise more then anything else and almost pure PVP. General PVE MMOs don't tend to do well in hardcore mode these days. And if you want some sort of return to hard core lets see how Pantheon does. Though my guess is if it ever comes out they will pull back on some of the hard core features.
  8. Perplexed Augur

    The line from the Doors "Roadhouse Blues" comes to mind when I see this perennial post.
    "The future's uncertain and the end is always near"
    "Let it roll, baby roll"
    Enjoy EQ while it's here. :)
    Tenaka and Corwyhn Lionheart like this.
  9. moogs Augur

  10. Jalelorf Augur

    I got through like two run on sentences and stopped reading. Periods. Please. Thank you.
    Brohg likes this.
  11. Yruc Augur

    EQ is just a clone of Ultima Online it will never last - Circa 1999....
    solarfly and Fhiele like this.
  12. Zahel Journeyman

    I've tried explaining to people before that getting to level 50 in 1 day versus the 6 months it took them back in 1999 is in no way comparable. It always seems to fall on deaf ears to people like the OP. Getting to level 50 today is like getting to level 5 back then. You wouldn't get to level 5 and complain the game is too easy, why would you effectively do the same today?

    Anyways, the game is more difficult today than it was back then anyways in every conceivable way except one and that's that content isn't gated by competition from other guilds anymore.
    Quatr likes this.
  13. Agrippa Augur

    The problem with the forced fast as hell leveling that happens on most servers is that there is no real way of optionally turning it off for those want to level at a slower pace. Until 51st level anyhow. I've suggested repeatedly that they should allow AA exp from first level, but only have the 25 and 100 AA glyphs available then, until the others come naturally. This would be an easy fix that would allow people to level at their own pace or not at all if they choose. Prior to 51st, with the forced fast experience, there's no real hope of crawling through a dungeon one time or camping a rare, because you'd completely out level the zone before accomplishing the goal.
  14. Corwyhn Lionheart Guild Leader, Lions of the Heart

    Powerleveling is most effective at the very low levels so I am not sure letting aa be farmed at those levels makes any sense. Though yeah I guess it would let people PL their alts or boxes even more.
  15. Agrippa Augur

    While they'd be able earn AA from first level, the only AA that would actually be available to them, until 51st level, would be the expendable 25 and 100 AA glyphs. The real AA that actually do anything would all stay locked behind levels. The 25 and 100 AA glyphs don't do anything, so there would be no reason to power level.
  16. Corwyhn Lionheart Guild Leader, Lions of the Heart

    And yet everyone would PL so they had all their glyphs beforehand. Nature of the beast and because it would be so fast. And being so fast doesn't really do much to slow levelling down.

    Easiest things for Daybreak to do would be add a slow exp button that cuts exp to 20% of usual for those who feel the leveling goes too fast. No way to take advantage of that.

    If we keep getting our power increases via aa instead of levels at some point they will have to display aa or give other players a away to measure how leveled your toon is.. I guess 125 points of aa that might not make a bit difference they would only be a speed bump on leveling under 50 toons too. Allow low level toons to put all exp to aa but have it to nothing that way they only level when they are ready to. More utility value in that then letting them level the 125 pts of nothing aa since they can then turn exp off and on at will.
  17. Scorrpio Augur

    If you think you are leveling too fast, go run up to some KOS red mob now and then. Last I checked you lose about 8% of level progress without a rez.
  18. Nylrem Augur

    LOL, if you think leveling in EQ1 is fast... about a year ago, I started a toon on EQ2 just for giggles...

    You can start brand new on an EQ2 server, brand new account, not knowing anyone, zero veteran benefits or anything, and have a max level and max AA toon in probably less than 12 hours.

    For EQ3 to do well... It'll have to be playable on the phone, probably :( Or at least be able to somehow help your character/account in SOME way from your phone, throughout the day...

    I personally think they should sync it with a FITBIT type thing, make it so your toon can only travel 10x as many steps as you've taken so far that day or something, with a tracker of how many steps you've taken, to how far your char can move from his/her current location... Give the toons boosts - buffs, abilities, AA, activated things, etc, for specified times, depending on length of sustained heart rate greater than 130% resting heart rate, 140%, etc. Gain coins/equipment for the number of miles you've jogged/ran that day...

    Have your toon's overall attributes reflect your physical fitness level. Lower resting heart rate, increased sleep time = better base stats, XP bonuses, etc for your toons, type thing.

    I know some rather older, heavyset gamers including myself that could use the motivation :)
  19. Aurastrider Augur

    wait more sleep means better stats? I think it should be the reverse. If your man enough to run on no sleep and still function you should be a beast in game. At the very least add virtual coffee to keep your toon going like in RL. I would spend all my plat on that stuff.
  20. Onwards Apprentice