I got a new monitor

Discussion in 'The Newbie Zone' started by Sirene_Fippy, Apr 16, 2017.

  1. Sirene_Fippy Okayest Bard

  2. Rorce Augur

    Can I join the frog army?
    Sirene_Fippy likes this.
  3. chaoz_sk Journeyman

    Is it wrong that I suddenly have a craving for deep fried frogs legs with some mayo ?
    Quatr, Sirene_Fippy and IblisTheMage like this.
  4. IblisTheMage Augur

  5. Anhari Augur

    I prefer mustard or even go so far as making my own cocktail sauce. Ya' Gotta love frog-legs with horse radish!
    Sirene_Fippy likes this.
  6. Smak Augur

    If you two box you can play 24 characters? almost half a standard raid there.
  7. Smak Augur

    With 12 characters you could lay 4 campfires and portal in how many more froglok alts?
  8. Sirene_Fippy Okayest Bard

  9. Smak Augur

    someone should playtest this with free accounts, see if they can box 112 frogloks on a single rig.
  10. Gigantasaur New Member

    is this true boxing?
  11. Roartyger Smoot Elder

    Remoulade anyone? Spicy and horseradish. Great dip for fries and onion rings too.