Where to Pick Lock

Discussion in 'The Newbie Zone' started by Fuel, Feb 13, 2017.

  1. Fuel Journeyman

    Can't use the PoK book, too low level, 21.

    Where to skill up? Befallen 1st door opens right up...? Died trying to make it to door

  2. moogs Augur

  3. Annastasya Augur

    Train yourself up to 30-35ish at your rogue Guild Master, then hit the locked door at the Green Dragon Inn in Crescent Reach. Locked book near the zone in, in Plane of Tranquility is an easy alternative.
  4. Thash Zoner

  5. Uuvin Augur

    What about Painell the hole entrance? I seem to recall doing mine there. There also was city of mist ( but that's even more dangerous than befallen) and sebilis ( door to 4D) - but again if you cant make befallen then sebilis is out. Know any higher levels that can clear the way for you in Befallen?