Bard Dichotomic Psalm

Discussion in 'Hybrid' started by Rrowzing, Sep 21, 2016.

  1. Rrowzing Journeyman

    The current patch has reduced rank6 of Dichotomic Psalm to far less than the Crescendo line of songs.

    92% reduction in mana+endurance return
    85% reduction in hitpoit healing
    HUGE increase in cost to cast (0 to about 8% of endurance)

    The Crescendo line actually returns more faster and cheaper, it is just delayed 30 seconds.

    Many bards don't use Crescendo as it is too small a return.

    With the current state of Dicho Psalm, why not just remove it entirely and give bards some other ability?

    Or just make it exactly Crescendo without the delay. If Dicho still has the longer recycle, it still would not be as good as Crescendo but would be moment in time beneficial.
  2. Rrowzing Journeyman

    Oh and don't let the tiny bit of dps Dicho gives confuse the discussion...
  3. Brexa New Member

    Hey everybody, hope you are all well!

    People might laugh out loud, people might roll on the floor laughing, but this is not a particularly funny topic. The idiocy this has provided all of us is astounding.

    Bard dichotomy. As many of the uber players hailed this as the best ability in the game, many many other players started making bards just to use this ability. My experience with it is bittersweet.

    Players berating the bard for not using it. -Even with the knowledge that one day they cannot rely on their bards to give them mana.
    Players changing the way they play permanently based around this skill- Many raids and players changed their to a carefree and manaless playstyle. I've had a few idiots in my group claim they were out of mana because of the bard. Really? Bards don't use your mana! Silly.
    The way I played my character before the added damage seemed insignificant compared to this one simple song, yet, I still played and strives to become better than this one song itself. I hated this song because it made us wanted, it should have been our skills that are seen that make us wanted. Lame.
    Chump bards are born- Bards with no items or clickable items, quests completed etc... generally a heroic stamina based bard with a /melody line that included dichotomic psalm. Makes groups see what a bare minimum bard looks like.
    ((chump wizards) Just for manaburn?)

    To Daybreak- Sure. Whatever. It's your game. Know you've angered a close customer. I was reluctant to even buy this current expansion, was told dichotomy is the only reason, every class has some outstanding DPS or figure with their dichotomy, bard dichotomy doesn't even help us directly with anything viable like damage or prevention of damage, sure you can type in IT ADDS 5000 damage to a spell, but did it really? Did it really do anything? Did it have any melee bonus? It didn't. I've checked what it did many many times and didn't see that difference that something like bard dichotomy does for oneself. What I did see is that it's a song that takes up 3 seconds of my cast time in melody, great, really really great /not. I didn't even want to buy the exp, it looked like garbage, and I see that IT IS. I see through most of your money ploys and addict harboring techniques, however, this was unbalanced & stupid.
    The reward for this game is a few margins below a satisfactory rating of minimum wage. Should it not be more?
    My bad bard sucks. Solo we used to have DoT dps, used to Nuke high, fade endlessly, LURE ANY MOB, yet our DPS was always super low. Now what do we have? You tell me. We can ... Be a lesser form of what we used to be even 4 expansions ago. This has got to be a joke, a really bad one. I couldn't imagine how bard's dicho works now is how they'd intend for the release, no, this is intentional. Your timing of things is so convenient.
    You understand me now? I am the player base. I have a job to do & this is a game I play for fun. Every time there's something fun like this people are bound to say, they (you) are able to take it away on a whim because they graced the game with the ability. That's a excuse for the developing crews trying to balance the game, very lazy. Do your jobs people, test the game. I was called on my cellphone in LIFE again to come back to play this game you guys keep making it worse than before, after spending time I now find my time here is to inform all of the game developers that I hate you, everything you do is a slight jarr to the player base and a notion to make people who already work, work harder for something that doesn't physically exist. Do I want people harassing my home phone just because I'm a good bard? No. I wanted to quit this game before the expansion. People are so addicted to this game, they NEED me to play it? It's like an old friend wanting to get a facelift, you know they shouldn't, and you're scared they'll look worse afterward, but y'know they will go ahead and do it anyways because feelings and ... So you try to convince yourself even though ever bit of them looks worse at least they're the same on the inside. Give me a break. I've complained about nerfing bard damage before, and will continue to speak up everytime we get put to the last of the list. We are now the worst class.
    So, this means the dichotomy questline for the Broken Mirror's expansion is not as important to bards, since it is a spell that really basically does nothing. We already have the ability to regen mana as fast as dichotomy does naturally. Where is our Dichotomic psalm? Are we not as creative as we thought??? I demand a refund for the time spent increasing the power of Dichotomy in the form of MELEE DPS. I demand it. Have it do something- Take note of the abilities that do pure damage, even low skill players can out do the most skilled bard in the same task even if the bard is willing to play beyond their means, a fresh non-quested character who was brought up in EXP can easily out do these classes. Fair. That's fair.

    6 player group. 2 wizards 1 bard 1 druid 1 mage 1 enchanter.
    the Mage, enchanter and druid never get below 80% even if they wanted to.
    One wizard, let's say his name is Wizard A uses their mana burn and chain cast Ethereal nukes. Ok- Pretty standard stuff...
    the other Wizard, Wizard B, uses their mana burn and chains twincast over bucolic harvest---- Okay- That wizard I like, he's not so reliant on the graces of power, instead relies on his own strength- This is the kind of player bard dicho was designed for in my opinion. They might not get their claws to refresh bucolic gambit randomly and may start to wane in mana, but it is not like they were trying to just burn all of their mana like Wizard A.
    So, chain casting nukes mindlessly cannot be possible, as it was the best bot model for a player we could ever possibly get... stick that easy to replicate build on a few of your cheap laptops and place your pre-nerfed bard in that group for a total deconstruction of the game. Too late now. (also any other class that has quick nukes that require mana)
    approx. 30,000 mana every 1 min. Exceeds all expectations in ADPS, it is pretty much the one factor that helped weak guilds and groups of subpar players.

    To the Community - Could we tell the tyrants who have the POWER to dial it back it a bit? Be more subtle? For Firiona's sake, balance the classes. How much of that money do you think they'd have if they actually earned it instead of coaxing the crowd in appetizing /temping ways very slyly. How about make something worth the money you want for it, don't dangle the carrot, so to speak.
    Kirbane and Hellboy007 like this.
  4. Vdidar Augur

    Someone lied to you if they told you that every class had a useful dichotomic spell. As a mage I never used mine.
    Spellfire and Sancus like this.
  5. MoveFastRZ Bloodsaber

    'Fixed' after much complaining (nerf slightly less dramatic now), but indeed it remains the case that Dicho in general is woefully unbalanced. Some classes it's utterly essential, some classes it's a total waste.
  6. Rrowzing Journeyman

    Revisiting now that D.Psalm has been re-tuned...
    short review, WORTHLESS.

    So the re-tuned Dichotomic Psalm still gives no noticeable benefit. When it is cast, no mana bar moves, no endurance bar moves, NO HP BAR MOVES, and the group gets a barely measurable dps boost. At lease Crescendo has a noticeable heal/regen component (albeit tiny)

    When this could be used as a group heal, it had a use.
    When this could be used to pump mana or endurance it had a use.

    This song is no longer useful, please just remove it from the list of songs we can sing and move along.
    Thraine likes this.
  7. Thraine Augur

    I agree, for the past year this was the most useful song (to me) in a bards arsenal, now its a mere shadow of the song it once was.

    Had the devs reduced the mana/endo regen by half it would be still a useful song. But in its current pitiful state its about as useful as Spirit of the Wolf
  8. flash000 Augur

    i really want to know what they are smoking there .... i thought for sure the new expansion would of had a aa that increased the regen on the dicho but i stand corrected nope....
  9. flash000 Augur

    Just a idea why not make the effects of dichotomic a return off damage effect per member. Make it return a certain ratio back as hp mana and end for x amount of attacks. I think that would be much more balanced.

    or a debuff effect on mob with hit count of 1000 hits small return per hit but if mob dies with effect on larger ae effect goes off .
  10. Roxxanna Augur

    Is there any reason to include this in my bards melody?
  11. Brohg Augur

    Yes. While you can keep it up, it's a reasonably powerful effect, stapling a little bit of ADPS to the regen of Crescendo.

    Raid events end before bards go OOEndurance on Dicho, unless the bard dies. Perhaps its use even shortens the event into a duration that comfy for Dicho maintenance.

    If you don't raid, then you can run it until you're low endurance to increase what your teammates can do between breaks. If the group encounters a break before you run out of juice, then you regen to full to keep it going like it's a full time song. If the group doesn't encounter a break then after 15 mins you switch to a no-Dicho melody until you're back above half or whatever.

    Alternately, just make it part of the social that fires up your epic, since you have to stop whatever /melody you're on for that anyhow. Playing Dicho once every 3 mins won't drain you.
  12. flash000 Augur

    the numbers just dont seem worth it to me ... there was another post that shower the return on the numbers and its pretty sad
  13. Elyssanda Bardbrain

    Personally, for group stuff I certainly don't bother. The new (finally we got a new) bard tome returns more mana to the group than the re-fixed Dicho.
  14. Vdidar Augur

    imo its really only for the adps these days.