Unlocking Montelio Danhowe PoH Type 5 Aug Vendor

Discussion in 'The Veterans' Lounge' started by Toxicaust, Sep 18, 2016.

  1. Toxicaust Journeyman

  2. Toxicaust Journeyman

    Does seriously no one know the answer to this?
  3. Gialana Augur

    For that vendor, you just need to do Into the temple (a), Seal of Approval, and Into the temple (b). It might be possible that you only need Into the temple (b) but need the first two to request it. However, the first two involve only hailing and can be completed without invisibility. In other words, they're very easy.
    Quatr and Toxicaust like this.
  4. Kutsuu Augur

    I've unlocked access to that vendor on my alts by simply running them through Into the Temple (b). They still need the other quests to request tasks I assume, but this works for vendor access.
    Quatr, Drusi, Toxicaust and 1 other person like this.
  5. Toxicaust Journeyman

    Thanks! Confirmed.
    Kutsuu likes this.