105 Zerk just returned - been gone since April 2015

Discussion in 'Melee' started by Chunk, Nov 30, 2015.

  1. Chunk Elder

    A friend told they some of the consistent zerk issues were addressed with patches. Can anyone give me a good summary of what if anything has changed for better for worse? I stopped playing around April. I was tired of all the blind/root mess and got bored with TBS and the cut and paste approach without addressing any core class problems.
  2. sojero One hit wonder

    They gave us drawn to blood that pulls us into the mob while we have blind or root from our abilities.

    They also gave us a focused rampage so that we can decide if we want to ae or single target our big dps AA.

    Other than those I cannot think of much other big stuff that has changed. Some cool additions with TBM, but nothing earth shattering.
  3. Brudal Augur

    Furious is still more damage than focused; so only use focused if you worried about breaking mez.
  4. sojero One hit wonder

    How so? they have the same duration as far as I know and they add the same amount of hits. Furious is only more if you can hit multiple mobs, unless that is what you were referring to.
  5. Brudal Augur

    Focused is x 2, Furious is x 2 (+1); more attacks = more hits = more damage.
  6. sojero One hit wonder

    Interesting I didn't read it that way, thanks
  7. Brohg Augur

    Was Innate Rage before or after April? Pretty chunky change to sustained dps there
  8. Chunk Elder

    That was after I left because I don't know what that is. Is that an AA, a spell, or innate ability change? I was pretty much max AA through TBS when I last played. What does it do? I heard the root/blind thing was fixed. So is that only though that pulling into mob ability? Is that an AA through new expansion or back dated?
  9. Brudal Augur

    They adjusted most disciplines that increase hit damage and added back as an innate adjustment.

    So using Brutal before the change gave you 154%, after the change 206% (124 + 82)

    They also reworked the damage bonus formula for weapons which increased damage and hate per swing, but they "fixed" shared savagery to normalize the 2 hand piercing bonus.

    Furious Rampage was adjusted from 70 seconds to 48 like Rakes but we still have a 20 minute reuse.

    Frenzied Volley was neutered to maybe give you a extra axe most times and once in a blue moon add in a 2nd axe. Throwing sustained dropped to frenzy levels, some slotted in Jarring instead of volley to help offset the extra agro.
  10. Brohg Augur

    And not using Brutal before the change gave you 0%, after the change 82% ;)
  11. Brudal Augur

    Self Preservation is no longer a fade with invis. It is now a 90% chance to cancel agro up to level 108 with a sanctuary effect if you are more than 30 feet away from any attacker.
  12. SoroxDrinal Elder

    15 minute auto-attack parses on my 105 max AA monk using speed focus vs 105 dummy

    12.336 hits per second using destructive force
    11.955 hits per second using focused destructive force

    3% is still 3%...