Extra Extra, Reign of Eterenity Wipe after trying to Bindrush Cazic

Discussion in 'Time Locked Progression Servers' started by RoeBindRushCazic, Jul 29, 2015.

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  1. RoeBindRushCazic New Member

    RoE Binds inside CT temple, Breeze delevels, 150+ Corpses dead, mages killed by the dozen, death and doom everywhere.
    Bodycounts still rising.
    ReasonablePlayer and Xanadas like this.
  2. Ethereal Augur

    Extre Extre, the butt-hurt is getting boring.
    Kegwell, Rhiyannon and Steampunk like this.
  3. Mahande New Member

    I love how the fail troll didnt even have the balls to post it under their real name... so sad lol
    Rhiyannon and Steampunk like this.
  4. Badplayerd Journeyman

    This cant be real? a guild taking 3 hours and wiping on CT

    Please DBG vetted the guilds running the rotation and this is a TROLL
  5. RadarX Augur

    Folks we're going to leave this as an example of what is going to get moderated going forward. Please refrain from poking at other guilds or individuals.
    Kaenneth, Solkos, Aneuren and 8 others like this.
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