Lockjaw Rotation Updated - 8/15/15

Discussion in 'Time Locked Progression Servers' started by Warrior007, Jul 28, 2015.

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  1. Qulas Augur

    Remember that time MM and AD voted against letting MiM and FM into the rotation and then falsely blamed Faceless when MiM and FM asked what happened?

    And then when you guys manipulated a change to an already agreed upon rotation because of this egregious lie and backhanded tactic? Hilarious!

    Good times!
  2. Kahna Augur

    I think the biggest reason why unguilded folks weren't included is more a consistency thing than a down with the filthy casuals thing. If your force is random people pulled from the community your consistency is going to be all over the place. Maybe your force can kill the mob this week because it has more experienced folks in it and maybe it's just a waste of time because all you pulled this week was new folks who have no concept of what the encounter is like and what they need to do.

    Perhaps if you regularly pulled a pick up raid out and got it organized enough to compete on the FFA days they would consider it. But I really don't think it is needed, there are plenty of guilds to choose from that cover a wide variety of play styles from among the raiding guilds. If someone really wants to raid on a regular basis they have plenty to choose from. Perhaps when Kunark comes out you would have better luck getting a pick up raid/Community building day into the old content raid rotation. Heck, it might even make a nice recruiting tool for the guilds in the rotation to run a Community Raid day for older content.
  3. Darth Augur

    at 4:45 CDT on a Modest Man rotation Innoruuk kill as per our raid rotation posted in this thread and presented here for your convenience...


    line 30 - No outside assistance during guild rotation slots. Free for all slots are free for all - any group of guilds, characters, or alliances are able and encouraged to contest those mobs.

    Modest Man engaged and killed their rotation Innoruuk with outside help by <Green Tofu> < Sam Crowe> and many unguilded members.

    I can provide and will provide fraps evidence of this.

    I await a Guild Suspension to be levied by DBG.

    Failure to follow up with a suspension will NULL AND VOID all Lockjaw Agreements starting 24 hours from this post.
  4. Roshen Brand Manager

    Posting here to confirm that we've seen this rotation, and adding a sticky so no one misses it.
  5. chris_the_mage Augur

    confirm you seen rotation, and confirm you have already seen the rotation has been broken?
  6. Zhutuak Augur

    If everyone has not figured out yet, MM is lead by a not so savory individual. I have had him harass me at am one day while he was at frenzy claiming my charmed mob was one of his ph`s. An enchanter in his group was trying to dispel my mobs and then trained me.

    Did not matter to them that I explained that I four box and know the dungeon very well and there was no way my charmed frog was their ph and it must have been a bugged spawn.

    Modest indeed.

    Well, this deteriorated quickly, lmao.
  7. Zahariel Journeyman

    I know the leaders of the respective guilds spent hours and hours on the rotation, spanning a few days of discussions. I doubt there was an intentional breach of rotation on the first day of it. All that work for nothing? Poor form, Darth.
  8. taliefer Augur

    context matters here. did MM have a raid force capable of killing inno? and havent they killed Inno many times in the past? did they need the help? if so, you have valid complaint.

    if they had their normal raid force and were just allowing other people to join in for the fun of it, this would be petty. or if it was just random people that joined in the fight.

    it appears neither server is capable of playing nice for long
  9. Lateryn Augur

    Context doesn't matter. It's against the rules of the rotation MM agreed to. If you want o bring non-guilded then you do it on FFA mobs.

    MM did it because they wiped once already, so brought in help.
  10. Zhutuak Augur

    You reap what you sow. Taking the wild wild west and turning it into a self policed state is destined to fail.

    the underlying core issues of no pnp and 3rd party software that allows single or just two people to be considered for a raid slot rotation after they have already fleeced the server is just too much.
  11. Darth Augur

    Can you please respond to the breach of rotation? Are you enforcing this, or is Lockjaw now off the enforced rotation?
  12. Barton The Mischievous

    No offense but did DBG say/agree you were the one who could make rotations null and void or are you just making threats?
  13. Greymere Augur

    I doubt this would qualify as extreme in DBG view. If you want to provide proof and make it part of the rotations leadership for a player and guild enforced decision first that would seem appropriate, but calling for a guild to be disbanded for treating their own rotation as a Free for All raid. This is why you have conditions that remove guilds from a rotation if they violate the agreement, or consistently fail to kill a rotation mob.

    Additionally the agreement states that a neutral arbiter is to be used prior to GM intervention, you coming to the forums to demand excessive action in response to what may amount to a minor transgression that all the guilds in the rotation leadership, I'm sure can judge for themselves and set an appropriate punishment first.
  14. bruisedly New Member

    lmao, when did we wipe to Inny?
  15. Warrior007 53 61 74 6f 73 68 69

    Remember that time that you were actively on the server and see everything that goes on? Hilarious!

    Being somewhat involved in part of the talks does not privilege you to all the details that went on.

    Good times!

    Darth, you and your guild are really grasping on straws here. I know you're disappointed you didn't get 1:1 FFA slots on the rotation. You cited you have FRAPS proof of our members "warping" today, I'd like to see that.

    You've gone as far to say that you signed the agreement under duress, which is quite frankly hilarious.

    You also reached out citing you had an issue with several of our members that were not tagged, and I explained to you that we tagged a majority of these characters, and the rollback caused a roster bug to not allow them to be in a roster (Several other guildleaders have confirmed the bug already). Rest assured, that these individuals are members of the guild.

    Quite frankly, and I'm sure the majority will agree with me, you have been the aggressors here, and your transgressions will not be forgotten.

    In addition, we specifically talked about any disputes here, where they are to be resolved internally amongst the rotation guilds -

    Line 36: "Guilds are expected and encouraged to use a neutral guild to mediate disputes before resorting to guide or GM intervention."

    Darth, YOU are the one that is going against the rotation. You have already openly threatened to not oblige by the rotation in less than 24 hours. Your raidleader has already threatened to splinter off into multiple guilds to get on the rotation.

    Should you go against the rotation, I am sure DBG will act accordingly. Will you follow through on your threat?


    Modest Man

  16. taliefer Augur

    i read it as guilds breaching the rotation by taking mobs that weren't theirs on the rotation as the suspendable offense. i would think thered be levels of punishment that are corresponding to the level of the offense.
  17. Lateryn Augur

    Dima going all out, blaming rollback.. Haha the perfect scapegoat. Especially is all you had to do is re invite them.

    Dima, you should try to dispel more dots off raid targets.
  18. bruisedly New Member

    I'm still waiting on your proof that we wiped.
  19. Asheran Augur


    For the tl;dr crowd ;)

    The characters raiding with MM are members of MM. Rollbacks have screwed up a lot of things...hopefully it will all be resolved shortly.
  20. Walking New Member

    I tagged in Sky and about 45 minutes prior to servers going down, all the characters you're on here trying to break a rotation over - All are Modest Men. Along with the beak that dropped and my new levitate bracer, the guild invites are also awaiting GM interaction. When we re-invite them, they hit accept, but nothing happens. As was explained.

    If you really want to grasp on straws, Guilds are expected and encouraged to use a neutral guild to mediate disputes before resorting to guide or GM intervention. I'm pretty sure this could of been handled on that level, and the goal is to reduce GM strain - you should especially know they're slammed with the past 48 hours of Lockjaw.
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