Upcoming changes on Test- July 2015

Discussion in 'The Veterans' Lounge' started by Motherlee, Jul 17, 2015.

  1. Xnao Augur

    I do not recall posting an opinion, just answering your question as to where the casters were. As well as adding on where the melee were.

    In his eyes, that is latin. He cannot understand it.
  2. Anastasis Elder

    /tinfoil hat on
    DBG is trying to push everyone to the TLP servers. Consider this: if everyone on Live quit or play on TLP, DBG no longer need to push any new contents out. 16 years of contents, space it out on every 3 months, still buy you 2 years or so sub fee. After that, who knows. EQN should be out for sure;)
    /tinfoil hat off

    Seriously, this nerf does not sound good. After this whole TLP servers business, all we see is TLP this, TLP that. The Live Servers hardly get any notice, no information flowing to the community, then out of the blue, a major change. No sure how we can reverse it either.
    Yimin and Motherlee like this.
  3. segap Augur

    I raid as a rogue. I see that often. But I also contend that a big chunk of that difference is content design. If you look at parses in group content (t3 tds where mobs cannot be assassinated), the gap is not nearly so large. I'd like to see that gap closed some. Likewise, cotf t2 raid targets that cannot be assassinated, the gap is much smaller (I even win those parses sometimes). It's being hit with anti-melee mechanics and insane AC that takes away our ability to consistently do damage in raids. If raid content is going to continue to punish melee much more than casters, then the melee classes need a big boost. If they can find better balance in design, then the boost needed is smaller.
    Sancus and Iila like this.
  4. segap Augur

  5. sojero One hit wonder

    Guess being transparent went out the window with Sony ownership. welcome to daybreak game company!
  6. Iila Augur

    Please cite the actual instances of transparency. Promises of transparency don't count.
    Ferry-Tunare, Motherlee and sojero like this.
  7. Randragon Augur

    Pantheon can't come soon enough. Been playing this game since 1999 and EQ is going right in the crapper.
  8. Reval Augur

    They told us that they changed ownership to become Daybreak....
  9. Zalamyr Augur

    If the way Beimeith is explaining it is correct, wizards will be more burstained than ever once the change is fully implemented. From the post he made in the test thread, there's currently a missing 100% baseline chance they have yet to decide how to implement. I don't see any reason to believe he's wrong about this, especially considering as of now any ability that was previously 200% now does absolutely nothing without stacking it with other abilities. So I'd suspect he's entirely correcty and there's a 100% baseline that needs to be added somewhere other than the abilities themselves.

    So once the 100% baseline is added, staggering the abilities will be the same as ever. Example: You have a 250% mod and a 200% mod that each last two minutes. Currently you stagger them over 4 minutes because you have to. With the new patch, the mods are 150% and 100%. Once the baseline 100 is added you can stagger them for 250% for 2 minutes (150% ability + 100% baseline) and 2 minutes for 200% (100% baseline and 100% ability). The same as before. You could also instead stack them at the same time and run 350% (100% baseline + 150% ability + 100% ability) for 2 minutes. You lose some overall damage in exchange for higher burst.

    So once this change is actually finished, sustained damage stays the same if you chose to stagger, burst damage increases by infinity since the option to stack them now exists.

    Of course, this all stems on if Beimeith is right about that missing baseline and my understanding of his explanation is correct. Given the devs are silent and Beimeith seems to be the only one that has any information, hopefully he can clarify.
  10. ~Mills~ Augur

    Thats not what he meant. Because nuke crit mods now stack they all had to be reduced much like how dot overcrit mods are much lower in power since they stack. To start there was 100% reduction to nuke over crit mods across the board. Some mods will need to be further adjusted like mage spires which were only 100% to begin with and now do nothing so it should go back to what it was. But for stuff like IoG and Black wolf the -100% is a start. They didn't make your overcrit mods stack to give you boosts they did it to reel in burstained to a degree and get away from the fact that nukers had almost endless mods to stagger. I am sure melee would love chaining shaman epic and beast fury for 5 or more minutes at a time.

    Just to illustrate further. IoG only boosts dot overcrit 110% because dot crit mods stack but the nuke overcrit mod was 250% since nuke dot crit mods didnt stack. They reduced it to 150% now which might go further down or up depending on what the devs want.
  11. Zalamyr Augur

    Hrm, I hope he clarifies further then.

    Rereading it, I suppose you could take 100% baseline two ways. I took it as a number applied to the beginning of all crit damage mod calculations (but a number that isn't duplicated when multiple crit mods are in effect). You could also take it as "no ability should be reduced below 100%" which I think is what you're saying. That makes sense, but then that makes me wonder why he said the devs aren't sure where to put the baseline back. Wouldn't it just go straight back into the abilities that were broken by being reduced to zero?
  12. Xnao Augur

    Stating during beta that it would be a sustained DPS expansion.

    Does that qualify?
  13. Beimeith Lord of the Game

    This essentially as I understand it.
  14. Zalamyr Augur

    So is it then correct that staggering the mods will, once the baseline is added, remain functionally unchanged from how they are on live?
  15. Sancus Augur

    Unless I'm mistaking this post for another, Beimeith's post had a much longer explanation prior to the edit. According to what he wrote, yes, staggering mods would work the exact same way it currently does. But with the patch, you can also stack a bunch of mods at the same time, sacrificing the 100% baseline from each mod for higher burn DPS.
  16. Absor Developer

    Er... wait one second here. I accept that you don't like the change, though I could argue that this is because you haven't actually played with it...

    But what is this about claiming we are somehow hiding it? You realize that you read about it on our forums in a post that WE MADE, right?

    /sigh It's my own fault, sometimes I forget what the Internet is.

    Kiillz and Elricvonclief like this.
  17. ImSorryButIHadTo Lorekeeper

    We aren't claiming you're hiding the change itself, rather the reasoning behind the change. A prime example would be "The Pet Tank Problem and How We Plan to Fix It" thread. Not saying we need a whole thread explaining the rationale, but just a blanket change to the rain abilities and ADPS abilities ... makes no sense without context.
    sojero likes this.
  18. Sancus Augur

    You destroyed an entire class' DPS lineup since RoF. The entire communication about the change is one single sentence in Test Patch Notes. Holy transparency, Batman.
    Yimin, silku, Xinj and 4 others like this.
  19. Slasher Augur

    They're saying you did not discuss the change prior to making it. You just made it without any input from your customers. We understand you have the right to make changes to the game you're paid to work on but we would of liked some input or discussion prior to these changes that is all. We all know once the changes are made getting them reversed almost never happens.

    The fact that you don't see why people are upset is disturbing to say the least.
    Yimin and Sancus like this.
  20. Slasher Augur

    They destroyed melee dps without even acknowledging they did it :)
    Yimin, Elricvonclief and Motherlee like this.