It has begun.

Discussion in 'Time Locked Progression Servers' started by Diemond, Jun 14, 2015.

  1. Gregolo Augur

    You use the word fear quite awkwardly. We don't fear RoI, they haven't managed to take a single target from us yet. But we appreciate their efforts. There's always going to be banter between two competing guilds but at the end of the day unless someone does something supremely uncalled for, we're not going to start getting absurd. Aside from them making us sock things (sad face), RoI is actually making raiding fun again. lol

    I don't think you were there, were you?
  2. Vaclav Augur

    Friends on both sides giving accounts, but no - wasn't there. I play on LJ to avoid this kind of garbage.

    And no, I'm not really using the word "Fear" awkwardly. Over-reaction in a case like this is a symptom of fear - either the fear of them directly or the fear of how losing a target to them would be perceived. Sure, my psych ended at Psych 103 since it's only tangentially helpful to my field, but that basic level I took made it pretty clear that such responses are rooted in fear.

    I'll admit it might only be a handful of fearful people that started things, and then like lemmings the rest followed their siren song luring you into their fear response, but at least a few fearful people started things - that much is clear. The confident don't discard their fundamental tenets so easily.
  3. Jamz Augur

    What actually happened was we had almost two full raids in fear, so it really would have been our raid dps racing our other raid. So because Nagafen window was open the other raid was relocated to Sol B because it was 100% pointless for them to be there. Hell, we even sent people to go Phinny inbetween.

    After CT died, they were discussing calling off the sock because there was 0 point in being there. After RoI lost CT, they started heading to Sol B. So we just left the raid there. It was confidence that we had CT that we sent people away.
  4. taliefer Augur

    sounds an awful lot like initiating a sock. window was open, sent raid force to zone. doesnt get much more socked than that. unless sandals are also involved
  5. Banuvan Augur

    Only if the socks worn with said sandals are black. Bonus points for dress socks.

    BTW, somebody clue an old man into where the term poop-socking came from? What is it's real meaning other than camping a raid mob?
  6. Jamz Augur

    Ehh, if you're socking already. May as well continue doing it.
  7. Esper Augur

    Google it, do not eat first.
  8. Banuvan Augur

    Last time I was told to google something in this fashion it was the blue waffle time period. I think i'll just stick with camping a raid mob.
  9. Denyu Lorekeeper

    You had me until the getting loot distributed part.
  10. taliefer Augur

    i dont know, it apparently takes skill to handle the advance loot system. and TL failed marvelously at it. hence the ninja looting drama.
    Barton likes this.
  11. Jamz Augur

    Its true, the hardest thing we've faced is the advanced loot system so far.
  12. Gregolo Augur

    Why are you so upset at us :(
  13. Riley Augur

    Naming and shaming is not permitted on the forums. This is why I will neither name nor shame the TL puller who rounded up 20+ trash mobs in Fear and FDed in the middle of RoI's raid force. That's what petitions are for.

    As an aside, I was the first non-tracker from ROI to move from Fear into Sol B. I coasted up to 40+ TL in position to use the "Let's just let our mages kill the mob" position in the corner. Clearly had been there for quite some time.

    As precious as all this "You made us do it waaaaah!" talk is, your need to try to send a massive propaganda force into this thread is nothing short of hilarious.

    Everyone already knows what your guild is. At least own it.
  14. Gregolo Augur

    I admitted that I didn't think either guild fully knew what was going on in that, because it's not like we talk to each other during mobilization. But our guild has a policy of not initiating socks unless we have to, which we've been pretty solid with. So I'm saying that perhaps we did sock naggy, but you guys were going there right after anyway so it's not like that would have been missed by our leadership. And it was in window, so it's not a far out assumption.

    I said probably because you forced us to sock other targets in the immediate past before this point. I think it's just a matter of perspective. I don't see fault in the call of our raid leaders, just like I don't see fault in myself assuming we didn't sock it. All I know is, we finished in fear, got told to go to SolB, and when we showed up, you were there as well. I think there's legitimacy to both sides here and I may have been a bit too stubborn to accept that until a little while ago (see other post)

    Riley, bro I'll still sow you anytime you want one bud. It's cherry flavour.
  15. Jamz Augur

    Good one.
    Read above, I told you why they were in Sol B.

    We aren't hiding anything.
  16. Riley Augur

    This is too precious for words.

    Keep on spinning.
  17. Qulas Augur

    So what you're saying is, you did in fact start the sock on naggy.
    Vaclav likes this.
  18. Naelbis Elder

    So assuming my guild or a combination of guilds has a raid force in a raid zone before the pop of a raid will let us kill it? Or will you show up anyway and DPS race us? (Which lets face it, we won't win since we don't have the numbers you do). That question has already been answered, you and the rest of TL will not respect FiF which means you intend on monopolizing content. You don't want want someone around so you can rub their face in the fact that you are the biggest bully on the block.
  19. Gregolo Augur

    I think we both decided to sock naggy, after hearing both sides. Because we both thought the other guild was socking naggy. LOL
  20. Jamz Augur

    Yea, but please don't ninja loot our mobs anymore. Thanks