CotF the next Phase

Discussion in 'The Veterans' Lounge' started by Braveheart, Mar 22, 2014.

  1. Braveheart Augur

    Has there been any word on what to expect? New zones or more of the same just expanded? Can we expect a T2? or will it be T1.3?

    Release is May, correct?
  2. Falos Augur

    There are still some unused portals that were in beta but removed via a time release script on live servers. It's a safe bet we're getting more zones, there are already several zone files that havent gone live let (like exalted, among others)

    My guess is we will get 4 more zones and tier 2a will actually be some genuinely new places to explore and then 2b will just be a mini extension from 2a. There are at some point going to be more portals down by lendiniara. I also suspect that at least one new zone will be connected up in the part of ethernere no one ever goes to near the druid portal (afterall) surely they put a druid port there for some reason, as it stands its worse than the wizard port by far)
  3. Kelefane Augur

    I'd guess the release date will be in June or July. Next month they are putting out Plane of War. It'll have a new raid in it and loads of stuff to do apparently. So to them, that is our "new content" for the time being. I just dont see them releasing new content in back to back months like that, especially with where current trends and game resources are headed. I could be wrong though.

    Why? Has someone said that May will be the release date? Did it come from an official source?
  4. Falos Augur

    "Call of the Forsaken Content

    We are planning our next set of content that ties into the Call of the Forsaken expansion for May. That is our current plan - It shouldn’t change but if it does, we will keep you posted."

    That was posted near the bottom of phathoms thread.
    Kelefane likes this.
  5. Kelefane Augur

    Ok, so tentatively. Nothing definite.
  6. feiddan Augur

    Yup, May was the official release date.
  7. Winnowyl Suffering is optional.

  8. smash Augur

  9. Izcurly Augur

    Even definite dates are subject to change. So don't go planning vacation days around any dates promised, even if they're only a week away.
  10. Gragas Augur

    Or they could be attached to the "new Void"?
  11. Tarvas Redwall of Coirnav, now Drinal

    I think I would prefer that. It looks like it would be way to crowded if they put more portal in by the dragon.
  12. Cicelee Augur

    I am just hoping that they add CoTF T1 raid global drops to the new zones as chase items.
  13. Derd Augur

    New zones will be cotf.. so I would think they would include the new chase items.
  14. Smokezz The Bane Crew

  15. Axxius Augur

    Tentative or w/e, but from what has been mentioned, we can expect:
    • Beginning of April: PoW.
    • Some time in April: T2(a?) beta.
    • Some time in May: T2(a?) release.
    Wait 1-2 weeks and we shall see.
    Yinla likes this.
  16. Yinla Ye Ol' Dragon

    Yep start beta just after PoW goes live so beta testers are torn on which to do. :(
  17. ~Mills~ Augur

    As if beta matters outside of making maps and getting an early preview. You get to beta and spells are locked, sorry can't help you. Items are locked, sorry can't help you. AA are basically what they are, sorry can't help you. Tuning is pretty much set, sorry can't help you. We will take your feedback into consideration for next time only next time rolls around and it was completely ignored and another "tell us your ideas" thread shows up.

    Gone are the days of them having time to use beta for what its for and actually adjust spells, aa, content and items.
  18. Kaenneth [You require Gold access to view this title]

    No, Beta is for finding out if the scripted events crash, bugged models cause client crashes, etc. Beta software, traditionally, is basically done and not the time for spec changes, only must-fix bugs.

    Because you don't know if one of the 'little' design changes will cause a new must-fix bug to occur, and then there is no time before release to fix it.

    In my long software testing career, I've learned to argue to get the 'little' things fixed early, because when a software developer says they'll fix it 'later' they are lying, even if they don't know it at the time.

    (Seriously, there is at least one crashing bug I reported in Windows 3.11 that still exists in in Windows 7, and one Outlook Express security issue I reported wasn't fixed until there was an article on about it.)
    Yinla and Tarvas like this.
  19. ~Mills~ Augur

    Having participated in EQ beta's since SOF I am confident in saying prior to the past few years there was always time for feedback and adjustments during beta. In addition to the testing and bug finding that must go on. That feedback was not always listened to but the time was there as often multiple iterations of spells, aa or items adjustments occurred. The past few betas stuff is locked already by the time people get there regardless of how bad or off some of it is in cases.

    Suddenly spell naming takes a month or more. Classes get spells just to get their quota in some cases regardless of if they will ever be used more then once a year if ever.
    AA's went from something most people were very excited about that included chat times with a dev for a feeling of input to now basically everything being off the table as "the devs have deemed aa power to much or the amount of clicks required in game excessive or the edge of comfort being crossed for some lines to continue".
    Items and clicks also went from stuff that was very much looked forward to to now being excel cookie cutter copies or so restricted that all the fun and wow is taken out. We now have "class" items that were supposed to be unique and valuable to in some cases being outright bad for the class. Its become hopefully I am not worse off then when I started rather then I can't wait for a new bp click.
  20. Phrett Augur

    • Moar content
    • ????
    • Profit