How important are Heroic stats?

Discussion in 'The Newbie Zone' started by Helrazor, Jan 2, 2014.

  1. Helrazor Augur

    I have got a few drops from DsH, Moonlight Cape etc..some of the stats aren't as good as the defiant gear I have but the drops have Heroic stats, which is better to use? The defiant with overall better AC and some stats or the Heroic gear?
  2. Dandin Augur

    What Class are you?
    I'll tell you what heroics are important...
  3. Helrazor Augur

    I have SK/Mage/Shaman 3 box
  4. Dandin Augur


    AC/Heroic AGI and Heroic STA

    Spell Damage/Heroic Int and Mana

    Heal amount/Heroic AGI and HP
  5. Koneko Augur

    worry about the heroics more 80+ but try to get them if you can just at your level go for what you feel works best =)
  6. Khat_Nip Meow

    Sorry, no. I think you'll find most SKs focus mainly on Hdex & Hagi.
    Phrett and silku like this.
  7. Dandin Augur

    umm.. Heroic Dex is for crit rate.... as in DPS. Im talking a tank set up.

    Heroic AGI for Dodge %
    Ac for HP mitigation.
    I have NEVER met a SK that cared about heroic Dex. so explain what and why it does for your class exactly. please
  8. Azzurri Journeyman

    *gets popcorn*
    Yther likes this.
  9. Khauruk Augur

    hDex increases parry and block rates, and is thus essential for a tank along with hAgi. hSta is pointless to stack up on.

    All melee should go for hDex and hAgi, ignoring hSta and hStr. There just isn't enough benefit there to worry about.
    Xianzu_Monk_Tunare likes this.
  10. Dandin Augur

  11. Khauruk Augur

    Years ago, I don't have links. Feel free to stop by Thesteelwarrior or Evilgamer to be schooled.

    Any SK or tank who ignores hDex is clueless as to what it does or is an idiot.
    Enkel and silku like this.
  12. Dandin Augur

    Ill check it out thanks
  13. beryon Augur

    Heroic Dex increases both parry & riposte rates. The minor increase to crit rate is a side effect of having more dex, not a heroic benefit. Any tank who's done a little research will focus on hDex & hAgi. (Of course, many people don't, and rely on assumptions and/or in-game hearsay.)

    The official descriptions are:
    - Heroic Intelligence: Increases mana pool, mana regen, and the maximum amount of mana regen an int-based caster can have.
    - Heroic Wisdom: Increases mana pool, mana regen, and the maximum amount of mana regen a wis-based caster can have.
    - Heroic Strength: Increases endurance pool, endurance regen, and the maximum amount of endurance regen a character can have. Also increases damage done by melee attacks and improves the bonus granted to armor class while using a shield. (Note: the ac boost is broken.)
    - Heroic Stamina: Increases hit point pool, hit point regen, and the maximum amount of hit point regen a character can have. Also increases endurance pool, endurance regen, and the maximum amount of endurance regen a character can have.
    - Heroic Agility: Increases endurance pool, endurance regen, and the maximum amount of endurance regen a character can have. Also increases the chance to dodge an attack, grants a bonus to defense skill, and reduces falling damage.
    - Heroic Dexterity: Increases endurance pool, endurance regen, and the maximum amount of endurance regen a character can have. Also increases damage done by ranged attacks, improves chance to successfully assassinate or headshot, and improves the chance to riposte, block, and parry incoming attacks.
    - Heroic Charisma: Improves reaction rolls with some NPCs and increases the amount of faction you gain or lose when faction is adjusted.
  14. Tiensx Journeyman

    Please...just.....stop. Please.
    Azzurri likes this.
  15. silku Augur

    SK = hDex > hAgi > hSta.
  16. Emphant Lorekeeper

    This post might be one of the greatest inadvertent trolls of all time. Next post should be something like "I'm making a new box group and I can't decide between a mage pet or a warrior"
  17. Gladare Augur

    This may sound mean, but it's not intended to be. Stick to stuff you actually know. Not things you think you know. I learned that a long time ago.
    I think the funniest part was requesting a parse when you clearly haven't done your own.
    Azzurri, silku and Reht like this.
  18. Phrett Augur

    I'll agree with the survivability benefits from HDex...

    I made the swap from predominantly HStr augs to HDex and have noticed a pretty sizable difference in how much better I mitigate damage when solo'ing.

    So yeah, I second this opinion ^^^^
  19. FarmerJohn New Member

    Heroic Charisma:
    Raises Charisma.

    Heroic Intelligence:
    Increases Mana
    hINT adds +1 mana regen by hINT/25

    Heroic Wisdom:
    Increases Mana
    hWIS adds +1 mana regen by hWIS/25

    Heroic Stamina:
    Increases hit points.
    Increases hit point regen.

    Heroic Strength:
    hSTR/10 adds +1 damage to melee hits..

    Heroic Dexterity:
    hDEX/10 adds +1 damage to melee/range hits. (see hSTR)
    hDEX adds +1% Parry/Block rate by hDEX/25
    hDEX adds +1% Repote rate by hDEX/25
    Dexterity adds +1% crit rate by DEX/150

    Heroic Agility:
    hAGI adds +1% Dodge rate by hAGI/25

    Heroic stat calculations are truncated. Meaning zero hSTR = 9 hSTR for the damage calculation. The defensive benefits of hDEX/hAGI are in steps of 25 (hDEX 200 =hDEX 224)

    RE hSTA: Hit points are good. There are better ways to get them.

    RE hINT/hWIS: Having more mana does not help you kill faster, heal better, take less damage, or avoid damage. It helps you heal longer, cast more, have less down time.

    RE hSTR/hDEX: Damage modifiers do not improve this damage .
    Given 300 hSTR and one hit per second, then hSTR adds 30dsp

    RE: hDEX: Offers no defensive benefit to Priests/Casters

    Tanks: hDEX > hAGI > >hSTA > hSTR > hWIS = hINT > hCHA

    Priests: hAGI > hWIS > hSTA > > hSTR> hCHA = hINT = hDEX
    Casters: hAGI > hINT >> hSTA >> hSTR > hWIS = hCHA = hDEX

    Melee: hDEX > hAGI > hSTR > hSTA > hWIS = hINT > >hCHA

    Some classes within archetypes ignore some heroics.
    Some characters ‘never’ get hits, so ignore hAGI.
    Melee looking to maximize dsp ignore hAGI.

    RE end game gear:
    Gear is not selected for heroics, only augs are.
    You won’t see radical swings in aug choices amounts well geared players.

    A priest may choice to focus on hit points to be able to survive AoE spell and rampage damage. That is not worse or better than focusing on mana to heal longer, or AC and hAGI to avoid melee damage. Those are play style choices and they don’t work out to be very different from one another during general play.

    I say pick gear plan that suits you and min/max it to your hearts content.
    Naladdar likes this.
  20. Kiillz Augur

    back a few posts.....tell me AGAIN how Hstr is lost on a melee / dps class??? really?