Enchanter Illusions

Discussion in 'The Newbie Zone' started by Nightshadows, May 8, 2013.

  1. Nightshadows New Member

    Just recently started playing (and even paying!) again after about a decade. Something I have noticed that seems to have changed (aside from all the things that obviously changed): enchanter illusion spells no longer appear to modify your consider/faction. Just wondering if this was an actually change that was made or if I am missing something. Thanks for any info!
  2. Borek-VS Augur

    The change was made several years ago, and caused a stink at the time (among enchanters, that is). It was at some time between PoP and DoN, so possibly as much as ten years ago.
  3. Nightshadows New Member

    I guess it has been more like 12 years since I played. (And thanks for the reply.)

    Wow, I'll bet that caused a stink! Many of my fondest memories from back in the day involve running my enchanter through NPC controlled locations (such as Befallen) in some guise or another.

    What was the rationale behind the decision, if I might ask?
  4. Borek-VS Augur

    As I understand it, with PoP Time raids, although it could have been something else, there were too many ways that an enchanter with neutral faction could bypass a lot of content (actually, that strikes me as unlikely, but that was what was said). So it was easier to nerf illusions than to take it into account. PoP also gave the project illusion AAs, so an enchanter could change the faction of an entire group (or more).
  5. Nightshadows New Member

    Huh. Seems like it would have been easier to just disable illusions in the raid zones, or make those NPCs immune to them.

    Well, thank you for the answer! I will miss those old days. :(
  6. Grove Augur

    To a limited extent, the illusions still work. Take into consideration that the Enchanter 1.0 requires use of ogre illusion in Oggok, not a place that an enchanter of any race would go otherwise. (Invisiblity helps in some circumstances, but not to complete this quest.)
  7. Zenedia New Member

    One of the many things they've done to the enchanter class over the years. There's a reason my main is a berserker now.
  8. Falos Augur

    Old world city factions are based on the appearance of the body type you are in. So say you are a high elf enchanter that is normally KOS to cabillis. If you use illusion iksar you will become non kos (i think amiable?) but yeah they still work.
  9. RaceCondition Augur

    What Falos said.

    I also wouldn't worry about the illusions too much, as your race really becomes insignificant (faction wise) at higher levels.