I am a FNF (friends and family) with a raiding guild, which means I don't raid much if at all. On raid nights, the GL sends out mass invites when...
Yeah what do you care, right? You got yours, screw people who missed out and have to wait a year.
Thanks for that. Now, any chance Guard Blevins and Brasse might show up for a few days? :)
Damn forgot about the tent. I say yes to older stuff but no to the newer because they really were significant. You saw what a madhouse Qeynos Hills...
What expansions have hardly ever or never set foot in? 1) Prophecy of Ro. A huge letdown after the amazing OOW, I never bothered. 2) The Buried...
It kinda sucks when you realize you missed an anniversary item and will have to wait 10 months to get it. So hive mind, do you think some items...
I am trying to get Veeshan's Peak Partisan tasks to no avail. I get this: Perhaps you should speak with Praetor Maestra, Praetor Noctis Trayer, or...
I personally would love a return this weekend of Guard Blevins and a Dreadspire Keeper, but that is unlikely. I'll settle for increased rare spawns...
Separate names with a comma.