The race for second is going to be interesting. Silent Redemption, Reckless Ascension, and Return of the Exiled were all looking GOOD - the server...
This 100%, though it wouldn't make much business sense to DBG since we would beat the expansion within a day or two. RoS raid content was not...
There were many obstacles and setbacks to overcome including unprecedented suspensions, broken events (2.3), and malfunctioning key rewarding...
Grats Triton! Great display of work ethic and dedication. That locked door was tough, eh?
DB's selective enforcement of EULA regarding this npc is a joke, borderline hypocritical.
Yes, please! Can't they detect use of that software?! Conspiracy theory: T2 isn't ready...
^ Performance enhancing drugs... in... literally... every... aspect... of... life/sport/gaming... Disclaimer: I did not use any of the previously...
Separate names with a comma.