Thats the frustrating part. Few tweaks to certain AA lines and a few classes could be doing way better off but they just don't listen. Spells or...
Time for the yearly comment that every raid is designed to favor AE dps. Melee had their AE greatly nerfed a long time ago and their AE reuse...
You have to be in zone and in group to get the xp. Beyond that word is some servers are not getting the xp so it might also help to specify which...
At some point on beta the missions did have the single time Hero reward of regular xp like was done in ToV and ToL. I don't know if that was...
Mages are to powerful due to storm of the many focus AA, burn tool duration for some stuff being 2 to 4 minutes in duration, bard synergy and burn...
I hate this system. Beyond dumb that all of the following occur at the same time: The "new ores" are not tradeable considering the 2 points below....
Sounds like they are saying they bought the premium expansion and had 490 item slots. They then via station cash bought another 511 slots at least....
Its just an odd mission. The only way to prevent the real Jak from regen'ing to full is to go and kill the 3 illusions that spawn in other...
Same with no coin, tradeskill drops or collection drops from zone population in mission. Could have been killing wrong mobs for collection drops but...
Silly that you do a mission and no xp, coin or anything other than group currency. These should have xp and coin for every completion AND offer 1...
They nerfed dots some but they still ignored raid design favoring spells over melee and dots over nukes in general.
Just casually dropping top tier necro parses with your alt nothing to see here! Not going to out nerd you and not trying to nit pick..... If...
You know this is nonsense. And its not the first time you have implied necromancers hide or mislead to get broken things to the determent of...
Will let Kizant or someone far better really give better details but the issue is doing all of the following and then still being behind most others....
Can we please haz an item like this for the next expansion? IE a changeable clicky port for the farthest zones. After you have completed...
Separate names with a comma.