Still looking for a few key classes to fill our raid. The classes mentioned in the original post are high demand. We look at each application and...
We are still looking for several classes!
Hey all, were looking for 1 well geared/experienced warrior and several non tank classes to fill our main raid, PST povar.ramstein or visit...
I would love it to have all my crafting tools at my fingertips! It would be awesome to have a keyring with all our crafting tools/trophies on it! :)
We are still looking for a few more to fill our raid crew, PST in game or PM me on the forums. Cleric, Beast, Bard, Zerker high demand!
We have a few raid spots left for this coming expansion, apply today! :) High Desire - Bard, Beastlord, Berserker, Cleric Medium Desire - Mage,...
My game is still locking up unless I'm in windowed mode. I'm feeling it is a resolution problem of some kind, but I can't figure it out. Anyone...
Filling some raid slots before the next expansion beta starts!
Triton is the #1 Guild on the Povar server and among the best game wide. We are currently recruiting: Beastlord Berserker Cleric Ranger Bard Monk...
Hey all, Triton still recruiting, please visit our page for updated class needs. We are also reimbursing for server transfer...
I've posted before, thought it was fixed but it wasn't... The only way I can enter the game is if I have it in windowed mode. There is something...
Separate names with a comma.