Truebox hurts everyone that is playing the game for fun. The only people boxing are those that are trying to make a profit out of it whether big time...
Yeah it's called live the last 6 or so expansions... And most people hate it.
You cannot do the quest until Luclin and CT becomes his 2.0 version. He won't talk to you until then.
The tower gear scaling from 45 to 125 is all over the place. At some points it's Op and others it's complete trash. It would have been cool if it was...
Well... To be fair what's the difference between not logging in and sitting in a spot for 9 hours for a spawn that's highly contested......
Plat pretty worthless on every server. It's like spare change in your pocket you use to buy something cheap you see like a pack of gum. Plat is...
That's what I was thinking. It lasted for like 4-5 weeks.
I know on Oakwynd not long before Teek came out they started Deleting Krono. People would petition and be told the Krono they got for an item was...
I will never play a server that isn't free trade again. I don't even care about random loot. My original live server when I get on to mess with...
While this would be ok on a standard server it would be horrible on servers with Free trade. The server lag would be massive trying to keep all the...
The Whales are just as much to blame as the Kronolords...
Pretty sure I am going to take DB facts when they have the numbers over your "I don't like it, so no one likes it" opinion.
Separate names with a comma.