this is for battleaxe... You are so bent on not letting anything off test for some reason. In this day in time, do you really think its going to...
you guys just don't get it do ya? sony never cared about test server population back then and they sure don't care about it today. That is another...
not if they put in lockout on request.
You do realize the 6 hour lockout on HAs is because of the new expansion. They don't want folks grinding HAs to achieve lvl 105 really fast. which...
omg.. no patch notes?
if you don't like the zone... plain and simple.. don't go there.. stay away from it.. I for one love the zone how it is.. locked behind some...
yeah.. its down..
its crashing again.. it seems..
cant please them all....
Sumteeng wrote, did you really just say that? really? its test server dude.. most don't pay a single cent to play there.. how can you say...
Tearsin Rain said, OMG!! can I like this post a million times? I salute you! If everyone was more like you, we wouldn't have this issue.. That's...
and the server crashed..
Separate names with a comma.