Clearly you've never played with a healer merc. Their heals are garbage as it is because of no healing focuses/crit aa's, etc. A shaman merc...
Do you even raid or constantly group with classes actually using abilities? My song window in raids overflows into regular buffs and then regular...
The movements of characters is pretty obvious when using programs to play, yet there's still people using them especially on live regular servers...
You need to take into account every guild has different levels of kill times and event to event times. In slower guilds some classes might be #1-3...
Did Hero of the Eastern Wastes group mission and the reward from the achievement says it's 100% of the experience required to go from 111 to 26% into...
As we all know EQ is old, and with age comes a dwindling playerbase and a playerbase with less time to play due to real life. With a lot of people...
While we're at it can we get rangers enrichment line MGB'able too? There's no reason for group buffs to not be MGB'able.
Bards have been ignored by the devs wholely for like 10 years. They've received nothing new or significant, still have no new discis, no new...
Your beast will still be fine as long as you press buttons and know how to maximize the class. The pet will still be capable of tanking I bet,...
This is till entirely too low for bards imo which are the most neglected and ignored Hybrid class in the game..... They don't even get the...
It's nice but Monks have virtually no aggro decreasing AA's like Rogues/Zerks so they pull aggro too easily with it and can get 1 rounded before...
First of all EQs core population has been aging and no longer has time to raid 5 days a week like we used to.......This game hasn't really attracted...
Even with assassinate it's slow and risky for a raid geared rogue and still get beat up moloing in say Maiden's Eye for example if a 2nd mob...
Separate names with a comma.