time isn't much of an issue. the problem is the complexity. there is 16 years of coding all mashed together. much of the code done by developers that...
I vote for none. there are already progression servers. each time a progression server is made it results in players rushing in to trigger...
first off. auto-play ( afk xping ) had been approved by soe. as long as it doesn't disrupt a zone. not to mention a "hack program" isn't required. a...
it is very easy for a toon to be restored. it is saved frequently. not an issue for daybreak to pull up a copy / replace all items. however I can...
first , I personally do not know anyone that has had their account truly hacked and their toons deleted / etc. this issue has always been due to a...
don't worry about what goes on in FV. FV is the server where folks move to sell gear / toons and quit EQ. it has been so for years. while selling...
Leveraged buyout: buying existing companies with money mostly borrowed from banking institutions using the newly bought companies' assets as...
march. just prior to the anniversary.
I used to love the floating fish in nektulos forest.
I see no issue with what mykaylla is asking. a log of phase 3 should be sufficient. verification should be checked otherwise the progression site has...
- It is no longer possible to trigger event success before achieving actual success when fighting Principal Vicarum Nomia. this should have been...
blames chandon :p
the upside is we will be able to get rich again selling task adds.
Separate names with a comma.