This makes absolutely zero sense if you know how to play a knight, knights have 20x warriors aggro and warriors getting an extra 200 hate per...
You will get no help here Most of the posts will be trolling or might as well be trolling Go post it in the bug section
Also learned today that the level45 version of these augs have one less stat and use a VI distiller which is vendor bought, again this is an...
Truebox is a requirement for server stability, which is why its locked in at launch and falls off overtime. Teek launched with over 20 general...
Now that all the stat stones have been acquired by the tower you now know what you must do next! Rallos wills it! Rallos be praised! [IMG]
Bros is it finally time? Will it finally happen? You know what they say, new forums means new beginnings! [IMG]
The new Tower augs take VII distillers to remove, the highest distillers that can be bought pre Lost Dungeons of Norrath era is VI. I believe this is...
The new tower mission needs heavily nerfed or at least the level60 version does. At level60 you fight four mobs at once, the boss which hits for 500...
[IMG] In all seriousness from my understanding the servers are just overwhelmed and Daybreak knows this. Kronos disappearing, parcels going to random...
This is a thread about PL general chat spam yea? Those are valued at 6kr each so technically there is nothing else that can be said in the...
None of the Tower gear is necessary but since its trying to lend a helping hand to things that need help (pets on motm with the Luclin pet focus)...
Still not fixed and I believe this is correct.
Separate names with a comma.