Should be, yes.
Hey y'all wanted to hate on the Oakwynd server rules so much, deal with it.
As an Oakwynd player, I approve this idea. My small casual guild had to merge with a larger "more" hardcore guild. Been great, honestly, and...
Just to clear up any confusion on the mercs, there is no J5 anymore, they are either apprentice or journeyman. anybody saying J5 is an old fart, and...
I think you misunderstand how the random loot thing works. Mobs marked RARE when you con them, of a similar level range, in the same expansion...
Will it spawn in a DZ? I asked in the class forums this morning, but figured it would get a faster response here. Nothing on any of the guide...
Delete, I must have twitched when I clicked, and got the wrong forum.
Can specific NPCs and raid targets (Eternal Spirit in PoSky and Netherbian Swarfiend in Umbral Plains) spawn in a DZ? I used my Google-Fu to no...
Gaming on a Mac
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