This isn't critical but it would be cool if you could search bags in the bazar and not have the search come back filled with 2 slot trade skill...
Does "scraps of wither and decay" in any form still drop? I have killed at least 750 mobs in Demiplane of Decay in the last few weeks and haven't...
Could cleric mercs be given the ability to buff the lowest person in the group? So could a level 40 be able to group with a level 125 in POK for...
Just wondering if there has been any word when the people who donated after the first cutoff but before it was over would be receiving their donation...
I have always thought an achievement called "Key Master" would be cool and if you did the full quests for the keys to Seb, Howling Stone, VT, Emp...
I wish that high level Mercs (115) would cast Temp on low level players if you grouped with them. Always seems to be someone in Pok looking for Temp....
I was there last night and this morning hoping for the same thing. If anyone needs Squire cards from another server hit me up on Bert I have enough...
this is sort of a joke one, but I would love a tradeskill combine using Drench Flowers and Treant Flowers. So they could be given a tradeskill tag....
Stay strong Debbieann Always a nice person
How about an anniversary quest/task this coming year that, as a reward gives Mercenary AA as an option .Please
Always loved this name : Meljeldin, Bane of Giants
this quest reminds me of doing epics back when I first started playing and I love it.
Separate names with a comma.