Overseer appears to give less than stated reward xp at 121 (0.96% for a 1% reward task)
Question- when does the healer merc hotfix go into Test?
Hail, fellow players. I haven't played in a few months and am slowly coming back to the game as we get closer to the new expansion. Anyone have...
GD caves? Interesting. Is that the tizmak caves, or other caves?
Next time make sure your linq query pulls from the right database. “Select * from nonbuggy_db” instead of “Select * from buggy_db” /s
Any particular part/camp of the zone?
Between both replies, sounds like ToV is the expansion to spend time grinding in. What’s the name of the mission for Wurm caves?
Greetings fellow adventurers! I just hit 120 with my Paladin (thanks to overseer and some task adds). I need to really grind out AAs to work on his...
Right, like if they made HoT books no longer headshot worthy, that makes sense. But if it has a head, you can shoot its head.
So if we are specifying mob types for assassinate/headshot, what would that list look like? I'm guessing ToL shades as a whole are no longer headshot...
I was able to get in game fine after patch, but any reason this patch HAD to be done during prime time and not during the day when it’s pretty much...
Can we has shade models in Shadow Valley be headshot vulnerable too?
Hey fellow adventurers! Question- I’m working on evolving my poison making trophy (current skill at 295 and trophy is almost to Master). I was...
Separate names with a comma.