Just seems to be another case of <upgrade the servers to 64bit and upgrade to dx11 > then nerf everyone for using spells that were intended to hit...
Well fair is fair, so mobs can't Aoe more than 30 either now?
Why? Some of us had spent a ton of time leveling up wizard alts just specifically for the purpose of mass farming for lower level mats for trade...
House of thule, level 90, some of the best character development stages in the game with new AA'S. If you're thinking about starting or returning to...
Join up today, Sevice guarantees Membership, and likely some new friends too
If your world is ending, if you want to continue to have fun, if you want to be respected and feel important again, if you want more money in your...
What would have to happen to get the Legend's of Norrath Card game back ? or at least have the rewards available to purchase ?
Progression is hard, it's even harder when you're alone. Come join up today
Superior Banner's are coming out soon, come join us in crushing some Content, get loot, have fun, make friends, share pics :)
Looking for a home in Norrath ? Want friends again ? Want to raid and have fun ? Want to be around people who understand real life comes first ?...
The only good bug, is a dead bug. Would you like to know more ?
Has anyone been able to find out why Legend's of Norrath Card game hasn't been brought back to live yet ?
So, they create a bug which allows for exploits, bad actors take advantage of it, which justifies a rollback, meanwhile how much of the money spent...
Best guild for no drama fun, grouping and friendships. Raiding current end game content, raiding is encouraged but not required. Mature players who...
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